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compliance with applicable         that despite receiving psycho-    decided to resolve the lawsuit
            regulations                        therapy, her PTSD symptoms        before trial through an $850,000
                The plaintiffs also asserted   were permanent and distinct       settlement paid by the gas
            in the lawsuit that there had      from symptoms related to her      company  Although the parties
            been gas leaks in pipeline in the   existing bipolar disorder        disclosed the total amount of
            neighborhood prior to the un-         The oldest daughter            the settlement, they did not dis-
            derlying incident  The plaintiffs   claimed the incident caused      close how the total amount was
            contended that the prior pipe-     her to suffer from PTSD which     divided between the plaintiffs
            line leaks triggered a require-    “manifested” as anxiety, de-
            ment that the gas company’s        pression, nightmares and                         ***
            em-                                                   flashbacks         The underlying incident
            ployees  Safety never takes a                         to the         underscores that gas-related

            conduct    holiday ~ Unknown.                         incident       fires or explosion incidents can
            addi-                                                 She also       generate a variety of damages
            tional                                                claimed        claims, not only personal injury
            inspections in the neighborhood    her post high school studies had   and property claims, but also
            under Federal regulations and      to be deferred for a time due     psychological damages, even
            its own internal policies and pro-  to her severe reaction to the    with no physical injury  The
            cedures  The plaintiffs claimed    incident  The youngest daugh-     lawsuit is also another reminder
            the company was negligent for      ter also claimed PTSD and her     that propane marketers and
            failing to do so                   psychologist indicated she had    their employees should carefully
                                               a “guarded prognosis ” Both       and consistently follow all safety
                Damages Claims.                daughters asserted their con-     procedures year end and year
                All four plaintiffs asserted   ditions were permanent, i e       out as part of ongoing risk-man-
            that the incident caused them      would adversely affect the rest   agement efforts
            to suffer from post-traumatic      of their lives                        Safety never takes a holiday
            stress disorder-PTSD  The fa-         The timing of the underlying   ~ Unknown
            ther also claimed the incident     incident was also brought into
            caused him to develop an           play as a highly significant as-  [Kathryn A. (“Katy”) Regier is an attor-
                                                                                 ney with the Sandberg, Phoenix & von
            anxiety adjustment disorder  He    pect of the plaintiffs’ damages   Gontard, P.C. law firm in its Kansas City,
            asserted his condition was com-    claims  All four plaintiffs claimed   MO office. She can be contacted at:
                                                                        or (816)
            pounded by the feeling that he     that because the fire hap-        425-9683.]
            failed to do enough to protect     pened right before Christmas,
            his family from harm  His treating   their sense of loss of safety and
            psychologist, who was also pre-    security was heightened due to
            pared to testify at trial, indicat-  the special time of the year and
            ed the father’s psychological      inferentially, that memories of
            condition was permanent            the incident would affect them
                The mother also claimed        at Christmas time in the years to
            PTSD, stating her pre-existing     come
            psychological problems made
            her “vulnerable” to a severe          Settlement.
            and life-altering reaction to the      As noted above, the plain-
            incident  The mother asserted      tiffs and the gas company

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