Page 4 - may-june 2019
P. 4
word from the president
pring has sprung! As we have just several meetings and I, for one, came away with
celebrated Easter and the resurrection the stark realization that I have been “nose to
of our Lord Jesus Christ, so too, the earth the grindstone with blinders on looking straight
S springs forth with new life Flowers are ahead” for far too long without occasionally
growing, grass is growing, trees are brimming stepping back to take a look at “the big
with green leaves and those bulbs we have picture” I believe it would behoove each one
planted in days gone by that are dormant all of us who have been in this industry for awhile
winter are pushing new growth to the surface to look for ways to give back in thanks for all it’s
Spring is a time of renewal, thanksgiving, given us Tutoring, training, and mentoring to
and hope Take time to “smell the roses”, enjoy name a few, along with
the different shades of green, and all the seeking out opportunities
amazing colors that surround us Take time to to be involved and serve at
give thanks for all you’ve been given, all the both the state and national
opportunities you have been afforded, and level The opportunities are
even for the adversities you’ve been through available if we are willing
and overcome because each one teaches Our knowledge should be
something and builds our character into who shared
we’ve become It also gives us a reference point I also came away
when we encounter trials in the future And that with a much greater
is HOPE! Let’s all be mindful of the fact that it’s admiration of, and uRick Fosteru
not what happens to us in this life, but, how we appreciation for, the
react to it that makes all the difference Propane Education and
The 2019 NPGA Southeastern Convention Research Council (PERC) and what they do for
& Expo is in the books Lisa and I attended us They are changing, and the changes are
positive Tucker Perkins, Bridgett Kidd, and others
are listening with a sincere desire to meet our
The Better Dispensers needs I urge each of you to visit the propane
by Bergquist com website and see for yourself There is a
Custom built to your specifications. place there for you to register your business so it
is easier to find in your local area with information
The finest dispensers, on the new campaigns and materials that are
all designed with you in mind. available to you
We are excited to announce that Alabama
PGA and Tennessee PGA were awarded a
Work Force Development grant from PERC for
the 'Original' $49,500 We will use our portion to train instructors
the 'Compact' throughout our community colleges and
the 'Walk-In' trade schools in PERC’s “Overview of Propane
the 'Skid Mount' Distribution Systems ” We will also procure
the 'Hybrid Dispenser' equipment for as many schools as possible Stay
tune for additional information in the near future
There are still plenty of rebates available,
so please take advantage of these for your
customers who have these needs
Don’t forget! The Alabama / Louisiana joint
convention is June 16 -18 in Pensacola New
venue, new faces, and new opportunities Won’t
you join us for good times, good food, and great
800.448.9504 fellowship! Once again, it is an honor to serve you and
“THANK YOU” for the job you do!
Your questions answered by the people who know propane equipment. JOB 19:25, 26 ■
4 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2019