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report from npga state director
                     2023 Summer Board of Directors Meeting Highlights

            NPGA Annual Board Meeting and Propane Days            of the propane industry to lead by example by maxi-
                   From June 4 -7, NPGA hosted its annual         mizing their own usage of the product that provides
            Board meeting and Propane Days Capitol Hill meet-     our livelihoods.
            ings. The week kicked off with State Propane Gas      Awards and Citations
            Association Presidents and Executive Directors from          At the NPGA Board Meeting, outgoing Chair
            around the country meeting with NPGA leadership       Michelle Bimson Maggi awarded Chair’s citations to
            to discuss pressing policy issues, both federal and   five individuals who have demonstrated extraordi-
            across the states, with the largest emphasis on       nary commitment to the industry: Christina Armen-
            combating anti-gas laws, regulations, and codes. The   tano of Paraco Gas, Tom Clark of the Rocky Mountain
            PropanePAC hosted an evening reception at Tudor       Propane Association, Daniel Dixon of Energy Distri-
            Place, an historic Washington, DC property once       bution Partners, Nash McMahan of Tri-Gas & Oil, and
            home to descendants of Martha Washington.             Warren Patterson, formerly of AmeriGas. She shared
                   On June 5, at the Marketers’ meeting, NPGA     through personal, heartfelt, and funny remarks how
            hosted Dr. Paula Gant, President of GTI Energy.  GTI   each person exemplifies excellence in the propane
            Energy is a leading research organization that man-   industry. Daniel Dixon is an APGA member and past
            ages a tremendous collection of propane-related       President.
            emissions data and is currently leading research in   Propane Days
            a renewable propane technology called Cool LPG.              On June 6 and 7, members of the propane
            NPGA Board members and guests also heard from         industry headed to Capitol Hill for Propane Days.
            Tucker Perkins who provided an update on PERC’s       NPGA’s legislative staff briefed the group on conduct-
            activities and Mike Rush, head of safety and oper-    ing successful meetings with Members of Congress
            ations for the American Association of Railroads,     and their staff. Association members also learned
            who spoke about the policy aftermath of the East      about the propane industry’s top policy initiatives on
            Palestine, Ohio incident and the threatened labor     Capitol Hill, which range from protecting consumer
            strikes from last fall.  NPGA moderated a gas stoves   energy choice to the Farm Bill reauthorization and
            policy panel with coalition partners representing the   annual appropriations.  Attendees then held a series
            natural gas and appliance manufacturing industries.    of individual Capitol Hill meetings with over 200
            NPGA’s final pre-Board meeting speaker was a repre-   Members of Congress in both the House and Senate.
            sentative of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, who   Feedback was positive—Members of Congress and
            shared data on workforce trends.                      their staff were receptive to hearing our messages
            Jeff Stewart Appointed as NPGA Chair; NPGA Offi-      and learning more about the propane industry from
            cers Sworn In                                         companies operating in their districts. NPGA thanks
                   Outgoing Board Chair Michelle Bimson Mag-      everyone who participated in these advocacy efforts
            gi presided over the Annual Meeting and summer        and the state executives who were instrumental in
            Board Meeting. She gave remarks on her year in        scheduling the meetings.
            leadership and presented awards and citations. Steve         On the evening of June 6, NPGA hosted a
            Kaminski, NPGA’s President and CEO, spoke to the      barbeque reception in the Rayburn House Office
            Board about NPGA’s increasing role in using litigation   Building. Hundreds of Congressional staff from
            to combat laws that threaten propane usage and        across the country and approximately a dozen Mem-
            predicted the need for litigation to ramp up through-  bers of Congress attended the reception, including
            out the year.                                         representatives of districts in Arizona, California,
                   The NPGA Board of Directors then selected      Minnesota, Ohio, Oregon, and Virginia.
            its officers for the upcoming year: Mr. Jeff Stewart         These Capitol Hill meetings were extremely
            of Blue Star Gas as Chair, Mr. Tom Van Buren of       timely as Congress was slated to vote on two distinct
            Meritum Energy Holdings as Chair-Elect, Mr. Mike      gas stove-related bills, one on June 6 and another
            Hopsicker of Ray Murray as Vice Chair, and Ms. DD     on June 7. Having local boots on the ground was
            Alexander of Global Gas as Treasurer. Newly appoint-  important and effective in communicating propane’s
            ed NPGA Board of Directors Chair Jeff Stewart then    messages to a significant number of lawmakers.■
            closed the meeting with a challenge to all members

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