Page 13 - India Summit H1
P. 13

New Bronze Elite   New Bronze Elite

 Keneigusanuo  Mughakito

 India      India

 “Keneigusanuo is a very respected    “Congratulations to Mughakito on
 teacher and her profession has made    qualifying Bronze Elite. A young &
 her build business with discipline & strong    determined leader who is very passionate

 ethics. She always encourages her team to   about 4Life. His quest of good health &
 focus on one step at a time and on building   financial independence for his community
 strong foundation. Her team is very well   is very inspiring.”
 groomed as well as trained on the good    — Vijay Tekchandani,

 practices of business and the products.      Manager – Field Development & Training,
 Her focus has always been on taking      4Life India
 4Life products to the maximum people
 resulting in a very big customer

 base for her.”

 — Vijay Tekchandani,
   Manager – Field Development & Training,
   4Life India

 SUMMIT INDIA H1 2022  12   Rank achievements are for the volume months of July 2021 - June 2022  Rank achievements are for the volume months of July 2021 - June 2022  13    INDIA.4LIFE.COM
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18