Page 26 - India Summit 2023
P. 26
My advice to women is to be
yourself. Who you are is your
greatest asset.
Q. If you could give yourself advice
at the beginning of your career based
on your experiences up until now,
what would it be? What advice would
you give women entering the channel
from both a corporate and field level?
A. My advice to women is to be
yourself. Who you are is your greatest
asset. We don’t need to try and be like
our male peers, although we should
be open to learning from the great
examples of leaders all around us. I
have found that women possess a
natural ability to network and connect
with others. This is a relationship
business, so women already have a
great advantage in that regard.
Q. What’s the most significant Q. How has your journey differed from
challenge/obstacle you’ve overcome what you originally envisioned? Q. What do you consider best
as a female founder/executive? A. To be honest, in those early days, practices for developing and
A. Because I have shared the role of it was hard to envision anything empowering women inside your
founder with my husband, David, from beyond making payroll! We just knew corporate organization? Is this
the very beginning, I imagine that my we had an amazing product that we a purposeful target for you as a
challenges as a female in this industry wanted to share with as many people founder/executive?
would not be the same as that of a as possible. Some days, that was A. It’s important to make sure your
woman who has shouldered that role only one person, but that one person company provides a level playing
alone. But in my experience interacting mattered to us then and still does field for growth and progress for
with women who have done just that, today, even though that one person all your employees, and that, of
I think it’s important for us to have a has now grown into thousands and course, includes women. This is
passion for what we are doing. That tens of thousands and hundreds of something that needs to be visited
passion breeds a level of confidence thousands of people. and revisited regularly. And yes, it is
that others are drawn to, regardless very important to us because it makes
of gender or anything else. Nothing for not only individual satisfaction in
can stop an enthusiastic woman who the workplace, but helps the entire
believes in what she is doing! organization move forward in dynamic
ways because an employee who feels
valued in their contribution will bring
a lot of positive energy and talent to
the table.
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