Page 13 - July 2024 FINAL
P. 13                                                                                                                July  2024        13

                                                        position to full contraction, followed by a one second  injuries with jarring activities allowed me to make the
                                                        pause to minimize momentum, concluded by a four  decision to begin bicycling and my body thanked me.
                                                        second return to the starting position is considered   *Little or no attention given to recovery and
                                                        “proper” form. Completing a prescribed number of  supercompensation:  Exercise does nothing to
                                                        repetitions  in  sloppy  form  will  yield  minimal  results  “produce” growth and improvement, it only turns the
                                                        and it’s dangerous.                               “improvement switch” on. Although it may be difficult
                                                         *Running an enormous amount of miles on an  to understand, it’s true. Only recovery allows muscles
                                                        unforgiving surface: running is highly addictive  and connective tissue to grow thicker and stronger. The
                                                        because it causes our body to produce very high levels  word for this is “supercompensation.”
                                                        of beta endorphins, appropriately called “runners   *Comparing yourself with others is the single most
                                                        high.”  Mistakenly  believing  that  more  is  better  can  detrimental behavior, when considering physical
                                                        cause joint damage, musculoskeletal strains and a  improvement. No one shares your genetic makeup and
                   Fitness for Life                     number of over use injuries. Running on roads and  potential. We all know of people who can eat everything
                                                        sidewalks  compounds  the  problem  immensely.  Most  and not gain a pound and those poor folks who smell
       submitted by James LaFountain, All American Fitness Center  runners refuse to run on a cushioning track because  food and gain weight.
        When asked what mode of exercise is best? My canned   they  find it  boring. Three miles,  performed on  three   *Believing everything in popular bodybuilding
       answer, “the one you can do for the rest of your life.” In   non consecutive days a week seems like a safe bet.  weightlifting  magazines:  as a  teenager  I  read
       my early years, I wish I had asked myself that question.   *A disregard for what type of exercise would best fit  every muscle and weight lifting magazine available.
       Some of my mistakes are still surfacing with others 55   my body type: those who are moderately overweight  Unfortunately, much of what was written was untrue.
       years later and they include:                    and  engage  in jarring  cardio  increase  their  risk  of  The magazine heroes claimed to do an enormous
        *Heavy weights used with poor form: Any weight   sustaining overuse injuries. It’s a mistake to use cardio  number of sets per muscle group. As I look back, I
       “thrown” through a range of motion is dangerous.   as a weight loss tool. It’s a painfully slow process without  remember the ads that appeared on the next page,
       Taking two seconds to move a weight from its starting   paying attention to your diet. Sustaining overuse  “feeling tired, not getting the results you want? Time
                                                                                                          to muscle up with ______Super Protein.” With a
               CO                L      O         ZZI’                   S                                its miraculous benefits.
                                                                                                          picture of a star bodybuilder/weight lifter promoting
                                                                                                           *A false belief in “spot reduction”: after reading
                                                                                                          about the six pack abs of one of the muscle magazine’s
             Cards ~ Gifts for Every Occasion~ Collectibles                                               stars, I set out to do 2,000 sit-ups, with the mistaken
                                                                                                          belief that it would chisel my midsection. What I got
                                                                                                          was a blister on my buttocks. Cardiovascular exercise
                                                                                                          is the only exercise that burns a significant amount
                                                                                                          of calories. Although an “exercise only” approach is
                                                                                                          ridiculously slow, what gets burned is primarily stored
                                                                                                          body fat. A moderately low calorie diet combined with
                                                                                                          regular exercise is the most prudent choice.
                                                                                                           *Quick fix” nutritional programs: although catchy
                                                                                                          ads will get your attention by painting a pretty picture,
                                                                                                          fast scale weight loss is temporary and unsustainable,
                                                                                                          over the long haul. Highly restrictive diets tend to use
                                                                                                          lean muscle as an energy substrate, which is never a
                                                                                                          good idea.
                                                                                                            Most scale weight loss is water, because when less food
                                                                                                          is ingested, water is no longer necessary to metabolize
                                                                                                          less nutrients. Our body simply releases unneeded
                                                                                                           As mentioned earlier, these mistakes are as prevalent
                                                                                                          now as when I made them five decades ago. Hopefully,
        Over 250 New Ornaments!                                                                           this information will save you time and wasted energy.





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