Page 5 - July 2024 FINAL
P. 5            NO COLOR                                                                                            July  2024         5

                                                             STEPHEN H. PASSALACQUA, D.D.S.

                                                                      General Dentistry
                              Appliance Parts            3 1/2 Oxford Road              (315) 724-1597
                               Headquarters              New Hartford, NY 13413        By Appointment         Open Registration for 3 & 5 year olds
                                                                                                                      Mon-Fri 9:30-11:45am
                Mon-Friday 8:30 to 5 • Sat 9-noon                                                                 with Early Drop Off Available
                 1410 Champlin Ave, Utica                          Evening Hours Available                        Call 315-732-7869 for details
             ph: 797-2552    •    fax: 797-2565

                       Stanley Theatre Series

                                             Torrie Zito                           he appeared on the Stanley stage and went on to be a widely known string
                                                                                    Torrie Zito was raised and educated in Utica, NY.  An accomplished pianist,

                                                  1933 - 2009                      arranger, collaborating with some of the biggest stars in the music industry,

                                      Pianist, Composer, Arranger                  including John Lennon, arranging his hit album “Imagine”.  Included in the
                                                                                   long list of luminaries with whom Zito had a musical affiliation are Perry
                                                                                   Como, Tony Bennett, Liza Minnelli, Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin and many
                                                                                    The Utican composed jingles, perhaps his most popular being the jingle for
                                                                                   Maxwell House Coffee.
                                                                                    As a composer, he is said to have had a special liking and a similar style to
                                                                                   renowned Russian Composer Dimitri Shostakovich.
             Malio Cardarelli
       Over the next several months,                                                From a local point of view, Torrie appeared on the Stanley Theater stage when
       we would like to share some of                                              he conducted the Utica Symphony Pops concert in his younger days.  And in
       Malio Cardarelli’s descriptions                                             keeping with the musical core of the Zito family, a family of musicians, it is
       of artists who have appeared                                                important to note that Torries father, Fred Zito, who played bass and piano,
          at the Stanley Theater.                                                  was on the Stanley Stage at its opening in September 1928 as part of the twelve-
                                                                                   member Stanley Theater Orchestra, conducted by Utican Nicholas Gualillo.
                                                                                   The elder Zito played at several Utica theaters during the days of silent films.

                                                                Help Fill the Mailbag

                                                         Your questions on anything antique or collectible will
                                                        be answered in this column. If we don’t know the answer
                                                        we will find someone who does. The information for
                                                        submitting your questions is below. I look forward to
                                                        hearing from you!

                                                        It Won’t Be Long-Antique Week
                                                                        Is Coming!

                                                         August 12-18, 2024 are the dates for the iconic
                                                        Madison-Bouckville Antique Week. Here more than             Strike Out Cancer
            Victor Fariello Jr.                         2,000 dealers display antiques and collectibles of every   Enjoy a fun night at the ballpark while helping to
                                                        size and description. The hours will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  strike out cancer! Tickets are being sold for a bus trip
            Antique tAlk                                for this show as well. You will definitely want to plan  to the Thursday, July 11, 2024 Syracuse Mets baseball
                                                        more than one day for this outstanding event. For more  game when they take on the Wilkes-Barre Scranton
           Entry Deadline July 15 for                   information visit         Railriders (the Triple A  affiliate  of  the  New York
                 Reader Challenge                                                                         Yankees) at 6:35pm.
                                                                                                           The deluxe motorcoach will depart from the Remsen
        Our Reader Challenge to help us find the “Best     Support Your NH Historical                     VFW, 10526 Steuben Street at 4:30pm, and the Utica
      Find of the Season” is ending soon. Tell us about an                 Society                        DOT Commuter Park and Ride lot, 10 Harbor Lock
      interesting, unique or special item that you find in your   Supporting the NH Historical Society is important to  Road West at 5:00pm.
      travels and yours just might be selected as a winner!   preserving our local history. The cost of membership
      Winning entries will be featured in the September 2024   is $15 for an individual, $20 for a family and $5 for   The $50.00 per person cost includes transportation,
      installment of Antique Talk.                      students. Make your check payable to ‘NH Historical   reserved game ticket in Section 115 along the 3rd base
                                                                                                          line, and a $5.00 food and beverage voucher at the
        Readers should submit a photo and brief description  Society’ and mail to PO Box 238, New Hartford, NY   stadium. There are discounted prices at the games on
      of the item. The item must be purchased between May  13413. All donations are tax deductible. Your support   “Dollar Thursdays” for soda, beer and hot dogs! Please
      1 and June 30, 2024. Entries must be received no later  is needed and appreciated.                  note that the stadium is “cashless” and credit/debit
      than July 15, 2024. You can mail your entry to Antique                                              cards will be needed for all onsite purchases.
      Talk, PO Box 194, Washington Mills, NY 13479 or    Victor J. Fariello Jr. is a lifelong resident of New Hartford
                                                                                                           Seats  are  limited,  reserve  today.  Pay  by  cash,  check
      email it to Tell me why you think   and has  been a  collector  and  dealer of  antiques for  payable to American Cancer Society, credit/debit card,
      your item is the “Best Find of the Season.”       many years. He is a past officer and member of the New  or Paypal. Contact Carol at 315-831-3052 or carol@
        And there are prizes: FIRST PLACE: $50 Gift Card to   Hartford Historical Society and is the President of the J. Reservations may not be available
      Olive Garden and a 1-year subscription to The Magazine   Schoolcraft Sherman Chapter #1519 of The Questers, an  after July 3.
      Antiques. SECOND PLACE: 1-Year Subscription       International organization for people who love antiques
      to Antique Trader Magazine. THIRD PLACE: 2024     and have a commitment to preservation. Questions on   This event is offered by the team Penguin Platoon for
      Kovel’s Price Guide                               anything related to antiques can be sent to him at PO   Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and all proceeds
                                                                                                          benefit the American Cancer Society. Thank you to our
        Looking forward to your entry!                  Box 194, Washington Mills, NY 13479 or by email to   sponsors Hale Transportation and Tours By Design for
        Happy Collecting!                      Any photos submitted will be   making this event possible.
                                                        returned upon request.
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