Page 29 - September TownCrier 2024 FINAL fixed
P. 29                                                                                                             September  2024 29

             1 s t   A n n u a l

              G O L F   T O U R N A M E N T

                                                                                                                    Fair Trade Shoppe

                                                                                                           We have unique, fair trade home décor from
                          S U N D A Y ,   S E P T E M B E R   2 9                                         Guatemala that will add a bit of flair and color to
                                                                                                          any room in your home! Our Guatemalan Stoneware
                S T O N E B R I D G E   G O L F   &   C O U N T R Y   C L U B                             Hummingbird Trivet is a stunning piece of functional
                                                                                                          art. It showcases a vibrant and detailed hand-painted
                                                                                                          design, featuring a hummingbird gracefully hovering
                                                                                                          over blooming flowers. The lively color palette includes
                                                                                                          shades of blue, green, yellow and red.
                                                                                                           These hummingbirds don’t need to migrate, so you
                                                                                                          can enjoy them year round! These unique and gorgeous
                                                                                                          Stoneware Hummingbird Vases are carefully hand-
                                                                                                          painted with flowers and leaves. What a thoughtful gift!
                                                                                                           Our Ellipse Stoneware Hummingbird Vase is a
                                  TICKETS AVAILABLE                                                       beautiful representation of traditional  craftsmanship
                                                                                                          and artistic flair. Hand-painted with vibrant colors, this
                                                                                                          vase  features  a  detailed  depiction  of  a  hummingbird
                                                                   SCAN TO BUY NOW!                       amidst blooming flowers and foliage.
               Golf Tickets $100 -
                                                                                                           These and many, many more uniquely  handcrafted

               Includes Golf Cart,                                                                        gift items from 38 different countries can be found at
                                                                                                          our Fair Trade Shoppe, Stone Presbyterian Church, 8
               Lunch, Dinner, Gift                                                                        So.  Park  Row,  Clinton.  Our  regular  hours  are  10am
                                                                                                          to 4pm every Thursday, SECOND Saturdays and
               Bag & more                                                                                 every Thursday at the Farmer’s Market on the Village
                                                                                                          Green - Through October 3rd. Purchasing fair trade
                                                                                                          items ensures artisans and small farmers fair wages
                                                                                                          and healthy working conditions, providing dignity,
               Dinner Ticket $40                                                                          sustainable development and hope for marginalized
                                                                                                          people. Let us be your go-to Gift Shop! Visit us a https://
                                                                                                 or www.facebook.

                                                                                                                   S u  n ,   S e p t .   2 9 t h ,   2 0 2 4
                                                                                                                   Sun, Sept. 29th, 2024

                                                                                         Join us on a 50 mile scenic
                                                                                         bike ride from 7 Hamlets in
                                                                                          Westmoreland to Sylvan
                                                                                              Beach and back          Includes food & beverage, plus a post-ride party
                                                                                                                      with entertainment at 7 Hamlets Brewery.

                                                                                          or participate             10 Mile Family Ride! Minimum age to ride: 13 yrs old
                                                                                           in a 20 mile              Fundraising is voluntary but highly
                                                                                                                     encouraged! All proceeds go to the
                                                                                             option!                 American Cancer Society for breast
                                                                                                                     cancer initiatives.
                                                                                          New this year:             Participants raising over $750 will be invited to a
                                                                                                                     post-event VIP Reception
                                                                                          10 Mile Family
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