Page 23 - December 2024 TC FINAL (1)
P. 23 December 2024 23
overcame her mind and body. allowed me to improve my existence after facing my
Nelson Mandela said “In my life, I never lose. I either challenges.
win or learn.” My Mom’s journey in the hospital and Physical: Humans, ages 13-25, exercise to improve
nursing home, made Nelson Mandela’s quote come alive their physique, improve sports performance and some
for me. Although I lost a loving mother, I paid close say, find a mate. Ages 25-40, exercise helps many to gain
attention to the “process” of her illness and ultimate an edge in their career, develop a successful marriage
death. I would prefer to not replicate her journey. Jack and work related challenges. Over the age of 50, most of
LaLane, my Mom and several of my friends and family us exercise regularly and watch what we eat, in order to
exercise regularly, eat well and handle stress. With that maintain good health and begin to realize, life’s about
said, we are all going to experience the end of life. Quality NOT Quantity. I was beginning to understand
It’s important to remember, a life lived well is about this, but my Mom’s illness and death drove this point
Quality NOT Quantity. Wellness includes four essential home for my family and me.
Quality NOT Quantity components:
Social: Quality relationships, including family and
submitted by Jim LaFountain, All American Fitness Center a few close friends. To take it a step further, it’s being For information on how to place a
Since I began working out at the age of 12, longevity comfortable in all social settings. Being a recluse has free article for your community
has always been on my mind. I would boast, “I’m going its benefits, but over the long haul, socialization feeds event or local news, please call
to live to be 100 years old.” I’ve followed all the fitness the soul. 315-723-4827
“guru’s” for 58 years and one true fitness enthusiast was Emotional: I’m going to go out on a limb when I say
Jack LaLanne and he died at 95. He was the keynote this and I’m sure many will disagree. My strong belief or email
speaker at a conference my wife and I attended, when is that stress is self inflicted. I’m sure you’re saying and
he was 78 years old. He began his presentation by saying thinking, “It’s easy for him to say, he’s had it easy. Some Our monthly paper is currently
“I’ll bet some of you think I’ve let myself go and get old examples of my “easy life” are:
and out of shape.” He proceeded to do 20 one armed * at age 13, being mugged by three 18 year olds, who mailed to residents in
pull-ups and 50 consecutive two armed pull-ups. broke my nose, that required two surgeries to repair, the 13413 zip code.
He then easily performed 20 one armed pushups and along with two broken ribs. If you know someone who wishes
100 consecutive two armed pushups. If that wasn’t * being stabbed in the shoulder and leg at age 14 to receive our publication, we will
enough, he invited us to witness his one mile swim the * having my best friend die at the age of 15 gladly add the address to our
next day, pulling a tug boat. subscription list for a
My Mom began exercising at the age of 75. She was * having my dream, baseball career end, after signing $
enthusiastically committed to exercise at the All- a AAA contract, because of a knee injury yearly fee of 25.
American Fitness Center and at home. Being a widow * a “techie” friend researched my surgical record and Please mail a check to
for 9 years at the time provided her with an abundance claims I’ve has over 40 surgeries, most as a result of
of free time to exercise, sometimes two or three times athletic injuries The Town Crier,
a day! Her consistent mantra was “I want to live well.” * COVID taxed The All-American Fitness Center to PO Box 876,
She focused on “quality, not quantity.” In May, she fell the maximum. Somehow, we survived.
twice, fracturing her hip and was admitted to Wynn I sight these challenges because every one contributed New Hartford, NY 13413.
Hospital, where she spent two weeks. She spent the to the development of my “emotional callouses.” It’s
next four months at the Masonic Community, where never the incident that causes stress, it’s our response The TownCrier is privately owned
she befriended almost the entire nursing staff. They to those challenges. and not affliated with the
treated her like she was their mother, until she passed Spiritual: I’m not sure I was put on this planet to save Town of New Hartford.
away on October 12th. Pulmonary Fibrosis finally souls. I know for a fact, my faith in a higher power
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