Page 28 - November 2024 TC FINAL
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28    November 2024                                                                                               

                                                        paying stocks perform better.”

                                                         3. What are the risks associated with dividend-paying
                                                         “Firms can reduce or cancel their dividends —
                                                        especially  during times of  economic  uncertainty and   HARP Museum Kicks Off
                                                        times of crisis,” says Pickle. “And there’s still the risk
                                                        that dividends could be cut periodically, even without   Youth Lunch & Learn Series
                                                        the trigger of a crisis event. And if tax rates change, it   The H.A.R.P. Museum at the Irish Cultural Center of
                                                        could mean you’d pay more, as well.”              the Mohawk Valley hosts a November to remember,
                                                         Explore your options with professional advisors  introducing a “Youth Lunch  and  Learn”  series,  with
                      Christopher J. Carbone             Pickle stresses that investors should discuss the pros   free classes for young people in Irish dance, Irish fiddle,
                                                        and cons of dividend-paying stocks with a financial   tin whistle, bodhran, and a workshop aimed at helping
                                                                                                          to build a family tree.
            Dividend-paying Stocks:                     advisor to help make sure they fill a need within an   The slate of classes and teachers is as follows:
                                                        individual investment portfolio and make sense for a
                   Pros and Cons                        specific financial situation.                      “Introduction to Irish Dance” - This four-hour class

        A dividend is a portion of a company’s profit that’s   “You should also talk to your CPA or tax professional   will be presented by the Butler-Sheehan Academy of
      paid to shareholders. That means dividend-paying   to make sure that you understand what the tax    Traditional Irish Dance on Saturday, November 2nd,
      stocks may provide a source of income. But they can   consequences are for your particular situation,” he   from 10 AM-2:30 PM, and will teach students about
      also carry some degree of risk.                   advises.                                          the history and styles of traditional Irish dancing,
        So, what do investors need  to consider  when  it   Equity securities are subject to market risk, which   with demonstrations and performances of many
                                                                                                          styles of Irish dance. Instructors will also be bringing
      comes to dividend-paying stocks? In this Q&A, Austin   means their value may fluctuate in response to general   a representative selection of dresses, dance shoes and
      Pickle, senior wealth investment solutions analyst with   economic and market conditions, the prospects of   wigs. At the conclusion of the class, students will be
      Wells Fargo Investment Institute, provides important   individual companies, and industry sectors. Investments   invited to participate in a dance specifically designed
      information for investors to keep in mind.        in equity securities are generally more volatile that other   for them.
        1. What are the potential benefits of dividend-paying   types of securities. There is no guarantee that dividend-  “Irish Fiddle Class” – Learn the basics of the fiddle,
      stocks?                                           paying stocks will return more than the overall stock   and how to play some simple tunes. Students can bring
        “One of the big benefits is that these stocks may   market. Dividends are not guaranteed and are subject   their own instrument, but additional instruments will
      provide a more reliable income stream compared to   to change or elimination.                       be on hand. Mike Hoke is the instructor. Two identical
      some other investment options,” Pickle says.       Wells Fargo Investment Institute, Inc. is a registered   two-hour classes are offered, at 10 AM on Nov. 9th and
        Companies tend to issue dividends on a routine basis,   investment adviser  and  wholly owned subsidiary of   Nov. 16th. Each class is capped at 10 students.
      such as quarterly or semi-annually, which may create   Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., a bank affiliate of Wells Fargo   “Tin Whistle Class: - Students will be taught the basics
                                                        & Company.
      a dependable income stream. Another benefit? The                                                    of reading music and how to play tunes on a tin whistle.
      stocks can yield some favorable tax treatment.     Our firm does not provide legal or tax advice.   Each student receives a tin whistle and an introductory
        “It’s going to depend on your tax situation,” Pickle   This article was written by/for Wells Fargo Advisors   book to bring home. Mike Carroll is the instructor. Two
      says, “but in general, you may have a relatively lower   and provided courtesy of Christopher J. Carbone, CFP®,   identical two-hour classes are offered, at noon on Nov.
      tax rate for dividends compared to income gained by   AWMA®, LUTCF® First Vice President - Investment   9th and Nov. 30th. Each class is capped at 10 students.
      selling investments.” As long as the dividend-paying   Officer - Financial Advisor in New Hartford, NY at   “Bodhran (Irish drum) Class - Students will be taught
      stock meets IRS requirements for a qualified dividend,   (315) 723-7386                             the basics of how to play the bodhran (Irish drum).
      the dividend is taxed at the lower long-term capital   Investment and Insurance Products are: • Not Insured   Students can bring their own bodhran, but additional
      gains tax rate instead of being taxed as regular capital   by the FDIC or Any Federal Government Agency • Not   bodhrans  will  also  be  on hand. Sue  Romero  is the
      gains income. “So an investor  could receive income   a  Deposit  or  Other  Obligation of,  or  Guaranteed  by,   instructor. This class, taking place at 11 AM on Nov.
      from a dividend-paying stock without selling the stock   the Bank or Any Bank Affiliate • Subject to Investment   30th, is capped at 10 students.
      and have a lower tax bill compared to that of a non-  Risks, Including Possible Loss of the Principal Amount   “Family Stories, Genealogy and the History and Art
      dividend-paying stock, which must be sold to receive   Invested                                     of Storytelling” - Thanksgiving is all about family (and
      income,” he says.                                  Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells   pie), sitting around the table, sharing stories from the
        2. Who should include dividend-paying stocks in   Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a    “old days” and making new memories. Armed with the
      their portfolio?                                  registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells   information and tools presented at this workshop, the
        Many types of investors have the potential to benefit   Fargo & Company.                          students will come to the Thanksgiving dinner table
      from dividend-paying stocks. “But these stocks may   ©2022 – 2023 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All   primed for conversation, with questions for their aunts,
      be more valuable for investors who are a bit older   rights reserved. CAR: 0723-01137               uncles, and grandparents as they start to build their
      —  maybe  those  in  retirement  or close  to  retirement                                           own family tree. The class, facilitated by Patty Foley, is
      who really value a more reliable income stream,”                                                    at noon on Nov. 16th, and is capped at 20 students.
      Pickle says. “I think they’re typically beneficial from                                              There is no charge for these classes, which is being
      a diversification perspective, especially when interest                                             offered to children of all ethnicities aged 10-14. As
      rates are low. Dividend-paying stocks tend to have an                                               each class has limited seating, advance registration is
      inverse relationship with interest rates: When interest                                             required, at Lunch will also
      rates go down, you may see some of these dividend-                                                  be  included  for  the  students.  Parents/guardians  are
                                                                                                          welcome to attend any of the events (they won’t count
                                                                                                          against the cap, but will have to pay for their own
                                                                                                           This youth programming series, aimed at introducing
        Retirement — irst get to it.                                                                      young people of our area to the history and culture of

        Then get through it.                                    Celebrating our 150th                     Ireland, is funded through the auspices of a Legislative
                                                                                                          Initiative Program grant, secured by Assemblywoman
        Making it to retirement these days is no small feat. And                                          Marianne Buttenschon, and is being administered out
        once you arrive, you’re not done. Contact me today so      year of business!!                     of the New York State Office of Children and Family
        we can help keep your income stream lowing through                                                Services.
        the next chapter.                                                                                  Upcoming classes in the series include “Ogham
                                                                                                          writing” – the ancient alphabet of Ireland; “Make-and-
                    Christopher Carbone, CFP®, AWMA®, LUTCF®                                              Take: Create a Christmas Angel,” a creative “Children
                    First Vice President - Investment Oicer
                    CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™                        315-735-9201                      Designing for Children” Challenge Workshop, and
                    178 Woods Park Drive                                                                  more. In an effort to make the workshops easily
                    Clinton, NY 13323
                    Direct: (315) 801-2546                                                                accessible, they will be held on Saturdays and/or school
                    carbone                                                                                The H.A.R.P. Museum at the Irish Cultural Center
                                                                                                          of the Mohawk Valley, located at 623 Columbia St. in
        Investment and Insurance Products:
             NOT FDIC Insured     NO Bank Guarantee     MAY Lose Value                                    Utica, NY, is a nonprofit organization that promotes
                                                                                                          understanding of Irish Culture and the legacy of the
                                                                                                          Irish people who settled in the Mohawk Valley. H.A.R.P
        Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member
        SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank ailiate of Wells Fargo & Company.                   stands for “History, Ancestry, Research, and Programs.”
        ©2023 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. CAR-0323-04468
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