Page 18 - April 2024 TC FINAL
P. 18

18     April  2024                                                                                                

                                                        attention when our family is on vacation – LOL!
                                                         Other ways to stay connected to home while traveling
                                                        is by meeting people from the area or who have ties
                                                        to the community. During a recent trip, I experienced
                                                        both. My wife and I were on a cruise and while on our
                                                        way to breakfast, I saw a friend who lives in Utica.
                                                        At first I thought “is that Mike? I couldn't believe it.”
                                                        Later that day, we were sitting next to a couple and
                                                        of course the conversation  began with “where  are
                                                        you from?” The gentlemen said “we are from upstate
                                                        New York. I said, where in upstate New York? He said
                                                        Massena. I said oh wow, we are from Utica. He and his
                                                        wife were very familiar with our area's famous food.                Summer Woo
           Staying Connected to the                     He  specifically  mentioned:  chicken  riggies,  tomato   Local Student Chosen to
                     Community                          pie and Italian greens. I said, “yup you're right, we are   Attend ‘Students Inside

      by Raymond J. Durso, Jr., President & CEO         known for our quality food!”                                 Albany Program’
      The Genesis Group                                  Another day, we were sitting on the beach. I struck
        Thanks to today's technology, you can stay connected   up a conversation with folks sitting next to us. Again I   The 24th annual Students Inside Albany program will
      to the community, especially when traveling. It doesn't   said...”where are you from? They said Syracuse, NY. I   take place from May 19-22 and will bring 60 students
                                                                                                          from  across  the  state  to  Albany  to  get  a  first-hand
      matter if you're on a business trip or vacation, as long   said, “I'm from Utica. They said, we enjoy visiting the   education about their state government.  The program
      as you have access to the internet – you won't miss   restaurants in your area. You have delicious chicken   is designed to increase high school students’ awareness
      out on what's happening at home. All you need is a   riggies, tomato pie and Italian greens. I said, “yup   of  their  responsibility  in  representative  government
      cell phone, tablet, laptop or chromebook or any other   you're right, we are known for our quality food!”  and provide information about the tools necessary for
      device to get you connected.                       While talking to the folks from Syracuse, a guy two   meeting that responsibility.
        You're probably  thinking  when you're on vacation,   rows of chairs in front of me yells out, “you're from   Students will participate in a series of interactive
      you may not care about what's happening at home. For   Utica?, I said yes. He said, “I'm from Buffalo and I   lectures on topics such as the state budget process, the
      some that may be true, but most people do care about   come to Utica every year to run the Boilermaker. At   role of lobbyists in the legislative process, citizen rights
      “home” especially when your responsibilities include   that moment, I was reminded of how proud I am – and   to access government information, the role of media
      children, elderly parents or owning a business.   how proud we all should be - of our hometown. We are   in politics, and the move to reform state government.
        I am always interested in being aware of the    certainly on the map!                             While in Albany, the students will have an opportunity to
      day's news, especially  local news that impacts    For someone like  me who promotes the Mohawk     tour the state’s Capitol. The highlight for most students
      the community.  That's because promoting  what's   Valley, these accolades were nice to hear. Our region   is the opportunity to shadow their Senators and their
      happening in the Mohawk Valley region is a part of   has a lot to be thankful for. The good news is there are   Assemblymember for an afternoon attending session on
      my role with the Genesis Group. The other reason I   many projects underway to help make the region even   the Chamber floors.
      like staying connected is “the need to know.” People   stronger and better!                          The  Utica  Rome  Metro  chapter  of  the  League  of
      today live on their personal devices, ie a cell phone.   The Genesis Group is doing its part to help move our   Women Voters has selected Proctor High School senior
                                                                                                          Summer  Woo as the 2024 Students Inside  Albany
      We are a curious society. Whether the news is current   community  forward.  We  continue  to  offer  programs   Conference winner. This prestigious honor recognizes
      events, government, entertainment, opinions, sports   in  areas of Education  such as:  Career, College  and   Summer's outstanding achievements and leadership at
      or business, you see people on their phones just about   Life Ready programs, Drone Camps, Data Analytics   Proctor High.
      everywhere you go. We have the capability to connect   Task Force and a new partnership with Dolly Parton's   As a senior, Summer serves as President of the National
      to social media and online sites, television broadcasts,   Imagination Library. We also work with area partners   Honor  Society  and  is  a  member  of  the  track  team,
      daily newspapers and radio programs.              to  promote  Healthcare,  Community  Development,   qualifying as a discus thrower. She plays in the school
        If staying connected is something you like to do,   Tourism, Agri-Business and so much more.      band, interns at the Oneida County District Attorney's
      great. If you're on vacation with family, make sure they   The Genesis Group remains focused on the   office, and participates in drama as an actor. Summer is
      are okay with it. Don't let your phone, emails or other   community's agenda. Our Volunteers are taking action,   also an anchor for the "Good Morning Proctor" school
      interests  distract you from quality  time  with family   achieving results and making a difference. I invite you   news show.
      members. Take it from me, I get scolded for not paying   to join us, and I encourage you to stay connected!  After graduation, Summer plans to pursue an
                                                                                                          undergraduate degree in communications with
                                                                                                          aspirations of attending law school and becoming a
                                                                                                          judge or politician. Her diverse interests and activities
                                                                                                          demonstrate   Summer's    well-roundedness   and
                                                                                                          commitment to community engagement.
                                                                                                           The Students Inside Albany Conference will provide
                                                                                                          an  invaluable opportunity  for  this ambitious, civic-
               Early Bird Special& Moving Sale                                                            minded student to gain firsthand experience with state
                                                                                                          government and the legislative process. We are thrilled
                                                                                                          that the Utica Rome Metro chapter has selected such
                    Celebrating 43 Years in Business!                                                     a promising young leader as their 2024 representative.
                                 1st - May 4th                                             Chamber Music Society of Utica

             $50.00               For 1Year                                                        Shanghai Quartet

                OFF!                            $              Reg.                              Weigang Li, Violin   Angelo Xiang Yu, Violin

                           ONLY  299* $349.00                                                   Honggang Li, Viola   Nicholas Tzavaras, Cello
                    Add-on a Spouse or Family                                                                    performing

                           Member for 1Year                                               Franz Joseph Haydn, Zhou Long, and Edvard Grieg

                           ONLY 219*                                                      Sunday  7 April 2024  2:30 pm

                     * Convenient Payment Plan Available                                                   Munson Auditorium

                                                                                                   310 Genesee Street • Utica, NY 13502

                            The Area’s Personal Training Center                                                Admission

                              Exercise professionals will create                                         General Admission $25
                                                                                       Free Admission for Students with ID, Teens & Children
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                                 your needs every 6-8 weeks!                                This Concert will be Live Streamed via the CMSU website:

                                  50 Genesee Street                                          EMAIL    PHONE 315-794-9741

                                       New Hartford
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                                                                                                         5.375” W x 5” H
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