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MV JUGGLERS                                              VARSITY HOCKEY 2023-2024
                                                          MOHAWK  VALLEY
                                                            J U G G L E R S

                   Discover the book everyone is talking about…

                        Over 270                          ratings on!

                                                    “Very clear and easy to follow, especially for those who have not
                                                                    memorized all the prayers.”

                                                          “This is a very good teaching tool for the rosary!”

                                                    “Rosary at its fullest. You feel the power of our Blessed Mother
                                                           praying for you from the beginning to the end.”

                                                    “I had heard miracles from this novena, and after so many hints
                                                    from Above I got the book. Just like I had heard, on the 28  day,
                                                    which is the last day in the novena you’re doing the prayers of
                                                    petition, I had an answer to what I was praying for. My girls’
                                                    dad has been out of their lives for 4 years, no child support,
                                                    nothing. Lots of tears and heartbreak. And that day he called
                                                    and said he wanted to make things right….. If you knew the
                                                    awful back story you’d know how huge a miracle this is. Our
                                                    Lady is so good to us!...

                Since 1884, the 54 Day Rosary Novena has brought blessings to

                  individuals and families, all thanks be to God. This powerful

                 book teaches you how the Blessed Mother Mary can intercede
                       for you by prayer, to help bring blessings to you also.
                              Blessings that can change your life forever.

                           Also available in Paperback, Hardcover, and Kindle
                              on or for bulk order discounts visit

                   2023-2024 Jugglers Hockey Special*
                     Free 54 Day Rosary Novena Bookmark and Calendar**

                                           *No purchase necessary. **Available while supplies last

                                           How to receive your Free 54 Day Rosary Novena Calendar:

                                           1. Go to
                                           2. Find “54 Day Calendars and Bookmarks for The Miraculous
                                                         54 Day Rosary Novena to Our Lady. - 6 month pack”
                                           3. Click on Blue Button “Yes I want the 6 month pack…”
                                           4. Enter coupon code Jugglers.
                                           5. Click Apply.
                                           6. Shipping not included. Estimated shipping cost = 90 cents.
                                           7. Coupon code expires March 31, 2024 or while supplies last.

                                                Limit 1 free calendar per household.

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