Page 18 - KLSCCCI JAN 2022 - eBulletin 403
P. 18


                Investment Prospect

                Evaluation by Feng Shui

                   Feng Shui is an inherited ancient Chinese cosmology for thousands of years and also the convergence
               of our forefathers' ingenuity that was used to cast the favourable and unfavourable events that will happen
               in the future.
                   As one of the well-known Feng Shui experts in Malaysia, Jane Hor is a familiar personality among the
               media,  TV  and  radio  programmes.  She  holds  a  distinction  in  MBA  from  Nottingham  University,  and  her
               research topic is focuses on the connections between Feng Shui and interior design.
                   Due to her extensive studies and research on Feng Shui and business, we are delighted to have Jane Hor
               to share with us in her market predictions for the year 2022 for various industries based on the Five Element

                                                 Earth-related industries

                                         Agriculture, Livestock, Property Development
                     Agriculture and livestock industries are likely to face revenue obstacles. Small-to-medium-sized
                     developers will face challenges, whereas property tycoons will be stronger.

            Metal-related industries

                Finance & Banking,
             Investment, Entertainment                                                Fire-related industries
                                                                                  Technology, telecommunication,
           A year with challenging and                                                 e-commerce, digital
           polarised development. The
           finance and banking                                                                Prediction
           industries in 2022 are likely                                                  The dramatic growth in
           to be characterised by                                                           the last two years will
           annexation and mergers,                                                            turn into moderate
           intense competition, and                                                        growth this year. Be on
           increased opportunistic                                                          the lookout for cyber
           investments. Investment                                                        attacks in the middle of
           markets have been stable                                                                   the year.
           since August this year and
           will be even better during the

                Wood-related industries                                           Water-related industries

                 Construction, Plantation,                                       Tourism, aviation, import and
              Medical, Logging, Printer, Publisher                                  export, transportation
                        Prediction                                                        Prediction
           A year with expansion and growth                                  The  industry  will  recover  gradually  in
           potential, especially those involving                             2022 and is expected to fully recover
           imports and exports or international                              after August this year. Beware of threats
           businesses.                                                       related to security and safety that are
                                                                             able to raise popular indignation.

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