Page 17 - KLSCCCI JUNE 2022 - eBullentin 407
P. 17


           World Economic Situation

           and Prospects: Dampened

           by Ukraine-Russia war and

           Rising food prices

                The global economy is now
           projected to grow by only 3.1 per          Major commodity prices Jan 2018-Mar 2022
           cent in 2022 and 2023, marking       240
           substantial downward revisions of 0.9
           and    0.4   percentage    points,   220      All Food                   Onset of      Onset of
           respectively,  from  the  previous            Fuels
           forecast released in January 2022,   200                                 COVID-19      war in
           the United Nations has said.                  Mineral, ores &            pandemic      Ukraine
                                                         non-precious metals
                According   to   the   World    180
           Economic Situation and Prospects
           (WESP) as of mid-2022, the global    160
           growth  prospects  have  weakened
           significantly amid the war in Ukraine,   140
           rising  energy,  food  and  commodity
           prices,  soaring   inflation  and    120
           tightening monetary policy stances
           by major central banks.              100
                The UN said the downgrades in
           growth  prospects  are  broad-based,   80
           including   the   world's  largest
           economies – the United States, China   60
           and the European Union – and the
           majority of other developed and
           developing economies.                 40
                According  to  the  WESP,  the      JAN 18  JUN 18  NOV 18  APR 19  SEP 19  FEB 20  JUL 20  DEC 20  MAY 21  OCT 21  MAR 22
           global economy may be on the cusp
           of a new crisis, while still recovering                                                 Source:UNCTAD
           from the COVID-19 pandemic.          Rising Inflationary Pressures
                "The  war   in  Ukraine  has
           upended the fragile recovery from        The world economy is facing
           the    pandemic,    triggering  a    substantial inflationary pressures.   7  Global Annual
           devastating  humanitarian  crisis in   Global  inflation is projected to
           Europe,  pushing  up   food  and     increase to 6.7 per cent in 2022,   Inflation
           commodity prices and exacerbating    twice the average of 2.9 per cent   6  2010-2022
           inflationary pressures worldwide."   during 2010-2020, said the WESP.
                                                    Headline inflation in the
                                                United  States  has  reached  the   5  Average world inflation
                                                highest level in four decades.       2010-2020 is 2.9%
                                                    The WESP said soaring food
                                                and energy  prices are having   4
                                                knock-on effects on the rest of the
                                                economy, as reflected in the
                                                significant rise in core inflation in   3
                                                many economies.
                                                    Inflation  began  trending
                                                upward during the pandemic, as   2
                                                lockdown measures and border
                                                closures disrupted global supply   2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022

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