Page 23 - KLSCCCI JUNE 2022 - eBullentin 407
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                                                 Since the inception of the donation campaign in 1988,
                                                 Sports Toto has contributed over RM22 million worth of
                                                 ang pows and goodie bags to more than 410,000
                                                 senior citizens nationwide.

 A  lesson  learned  early  on  in  her
 career “to never accept first draft” has
 been the guiding principle for Nerine
 Tan to inspire her staff to set high
 standards in their jobs.
 Today, Nerine is CEO of Berjaya   strengths  as  a  leader.  Nerine’s  quiet   Nerine can do the hard stuff   “For female entrepreneurs who have family, it is very
 Sports Toto Berhad (BSTB). It is easy to   way of getting in there to do things   because she has faith in God.   challenging,” Nerine said, but values her husband’s support to keep
 assume she had it given to her on a   better, perfecting one draft after   Being  the first  Christian in her   their parenting efforts on what matters for their kids. Nerine has
 silver platter. Afterall, she is the eldest   another, finally won over the previous   family, Nerine shared God has given her   learned to let go of self-imposed and societal pressures to
 daughter of Tan Sri Vincent Tan,   CEO.   strength to face challenges and dispel   mollycoddle her kids.
 founder of Berjaya Group.   “For  young  &  up-coming  female   her worry. Her faith in God protects her   Nerine explained, “For helicopter moms, it’s about getting 3A*
 No way!  Nerine walks the  talk  of   entrepreneurs, they must pay their dues,   from harm. Her faith in God that gives   and 100% homework submission. I can’t do that. Some things have to
 never accepting first draft as she   go out and talk to people. If they sit (in   her courage to persist with her “clean   give. For me, (if) the kids are healthy and happy and they are not
 worked and reworked her ideas   office), nothing is going to get done.”  up” task.   taking drugs, then (it’s) ok. If you’re not with that mindset, then you will
 working  with founder of Cosway,   Gaming industry seems a hugely   The juggling act being CEO, wife,   get destroyed by the comparison.”
 where she first honed her leadership skills after graduation.    male-dominated industry that attracts   and  mother  requires  delicate  “I teach them faith-based values,” mommy dearest said, “Be
 She further proved her mettle when she was “called” to join BSTB   many  illegal operators, yet  Nerine has   balancing, but Nerine said society has   kind. Be good. Have compassion for others. When you have money,
 working under then Head of Sales, the late Ms Tan Swee Lian for more   worked tirelessly to make a difference.   defined some roles for women.   give donations. If my kids are benefits to society, it’s good enough.”
 than 3 years. “She taught me to be hands-on,” Nerine recalled.   Illegals  operators,  the  bane  for  “In the office, everything I say goes   Nerine’s advice to female entrepreneurs is not to take on so
 Those early years were taxing. Nerine travelled all over Malaysia   authorised gaming companies, took   as  I’m  pretty  much  the  law,”  Nerine   much guilt working and being mom. She wants them to embrace this
 with Swee Lian to check on Sports Toto outlets and meet agents. With   away  a  big  chunk  of  sales  and  Nerine   said,  “but  when  I  get  home,  it  is   mindset that she has painfully learned.
 more than 680 agents running their own Sports Toto outlets, Nerine   decided to work with the police to take   different. I’m not CEO.” She does not let   The “redrafting” of working mom Nerine who does not  beat
 pounded kilometres to meet agents and more than 200 sales staff in   them out. Warnings not to face off with   the “boss mentality” get to her head.   herself down shows her maturity only experience and age can give.
 Sports Toto regional offices.   them came in fast and furious from staff,   God, her husband’s constant support   Similarly, a healthy Nerine is a redraft after a minor health scare from
           and this mindset have done wonders to
 MPs and gaming counterparts.
 Getting her hands dirty in sales and marketing, the departments   centre  Nerine  as  she  navigates  hormonal imbalance about 8 years ago.
 she headed for 10 years after Swee Lian retired, gave Nerine insights on   “At that point when it finally had   between work and motherhood.   “At the beginning of (my) career, (I) didn’t exercise and it was
 running BSTB. When she became CEO, her staff knew she could do the   fruition, 2-3 years of really working with   only work,” this fit boss revealed, “not the wisest thing to do. Now, I
                Nerine shared she was racked with
 heavy lifting of BSTB to new heights.   the police, our sales increased by 10%,”   guilt in the early days of her children’s   exercise to not let my health deteriorate. It is part of my commitment
 Nerine recalled. “The gaming industry
 “Malaysians are quite good in respecting  the chair,” Nerine   including  Magnum  and  DaMaCai  saw   lives,  especially  when  other  helicopter   since becoming CEO, to tell people to exercise.”
 shared, saying  it was easy  taking  on the role as CEO  of BSTB, “but   immediate rise in sales too.”  moms,  so  focused  on  their  children’s   Health  and  happiness  …  or  just  getting  the  winning  numbers,
 keeping the respect is another matter” as staff know if their boss can do   homework and results, made her doubt   strive for it. Never accept first draft, second or third.
 Taking on the illegal operators is
 the work and lead well.  one of the toughest tasks to do on the   herself as a good mother to her brood.    Nerine Tan 2.0 – healthier, fitter, happier, and still striving to draw
 “I think a lot of leaders start to cut off (meeting) their lower ranking   “doing the hard stuff” list. So is meeting   out the best from herself and in Berjaya Sports Toto Berhad.
 and want to deal with the easy things in life, then, I feel they miss out,”   with Board of Directors and police;
 Nerine said, “the only way you can maintain people’s respect is for   leading  staff  and  subordinates;
 them to see you continue to do the hard stuff.”  travelling throughout Malaysia to meet   隆雪中总商讯编务小组 Editorial Board of eBulletin KLSCCCI
 With staff members clamouring for her time non-stop, Nerine still   agents and sales teams; and being wife
 prioritises meeting agents face-to-face, every 2 to 3 months, when she   and mother to twin teenage boys and   编务顾问 / Editorial Advisor   :隆雪中总会长拿督吴逸平 Datuk Ng Yih Pyng
 visits district offices. “I want to see the agents in each district, to see   daughter. Nerine does not back away.
 how well they are doing,” Nerine said, adding it is crucial to keep tabs   总编辑 / Editor-in-Chief   :隆雪中总总秘书傅桂洋 Mr. Foo Kooi Siong
 on them and their  activities. These visits  also let  this   副总编辑 / Deputy Editor-in-Chief   :隆雪中总品牌策略及广招会员组主任张凯翔 Mr. Chong Khai Siang
 hard-working CEO touch base with 80% of BSTB
 workforce throughout the country.  执行编辑 / Executive Editor   :何素芳(隆雪中总)Mdm. Ho Soo Fong
 Maybe it is Nerine’s style of getting her hands dirty   副执行编辑 / Deputy Executive Editor :许国仕(隆雪中总)Mr. Koh Kok Soo
 that makes her journey to be top dog smooth going as   责任编辑 / Managing Editor   :曾智霞、Matt P’ng & Edmund Lee (Plan Net Media Sdn. Bhd.)
 she feels women leaders are well-respected.
 “I don’t feel like my male counterparts look down   美术编辑/ Art Editor   :蔡伟成 (Plan Net Media Sdn. Bhd.)
 on me,” Nerine said, though she added that when she   助编 / Authors   :曾善美、骆佳顺、赵雪芬(隆雪中总)、
 was young, many did assume her male colleagues did          刘为义、刘则毅 (Plan Net Media Sdn. Bhd.)
 her work.
 Even the old guards at BSTB who treated her as a   出品与发行 / Publisher & Distributor :吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华总商会
 lightweight employee, being daughter of the founder          The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur
 who wanted her to work, eventually recognised her          and Selangor
           制作统筹 / Producer                   :Plan Net Media Sdn. Bhd.

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