Page 6 - Laws of Wealth E-Book Simon Taylor PDF Download (Free Doc)
P. 6
Now Sit Back, Buckle Up
And Read EVERY Word On
This Page And Let Me Put
You On The Road To Wealth
Let me introduce myself,
My name is Simon Taylor, in a previous life, I was an
underpaid and very overworked garbage collector, who worked
all hours of the day in order to barely cover my rent and get by
on a daily basis.
There was nothing glamorous about my job and it was always
meant as a means to an end. But that means to an end sadly
lasted for 6 years longer than intended.
I was flat out broke.
Although I had a job, my salary barely covered rent.
There was NEVER any money left over at the end of month.
I always seemed to be in a deficit.
I was heavily in debt, as I relied on my credit card to help
cover all my bills and when I couldn’t settle it within the
month, they would slap on interest charges.