Page 7 - FCA Diamond Point Dec 24-smg review
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The 2024 RAFINO Finance Corps Reunion in Charleston
The energy generated by our members and guests who attended made the Reunion a resounding
success. Sixty attendees enjoyed the events managed by Armed Forces Reunions. Special thanks
goes to our Vice President, John Veal, who ensured every facet of the Reunion and Workshop went
off without a hitch. John and his spouse, Ginger, arrived two days early and worked tirelessly
during the week to make sure that the Reunion experience was first class! The feedback that we
received from everyone was gratifying, and John and I look forward to hosting our members at Fort
Benjamin Harrison in 2026.
SGM Terry Anderson, ASAFM&C, our banquet keynote speaker, and CSM Craig Rodland, Finance
and Comptroller School, our 2030 Finance Corps Workshop Leader, outlined the many changes
that have occurred since most of the RAFINO membership retired. Both senior NCOs updated
attendees on the current Army sustainment wartime and peacetime missions of the Finance Corps.
The soon to be released Army FM 4-80 (Comptroller and Finance Operations) was also part of the
discussion. It was very informative to hear from the Finance Corps top NCO leadership who are
responsible for the implementation/execution of the new doctrine.
And Now, Some Words of Congratulations and Godspeed….
Congratulations to the FCA’s slate of newly elected Officers led by CSM (R) Gennaro Penn. I truly
believe that the FCA will continue to grow and prosper during Gennaro’s Presidency. And I fully
endorse the accolades that were bestowed on CSM (R) Paul Morrissette during his tenure as FCA
President as well as during his illustrious career as a preeminent Finance Corps Command
Sergeant Major. The Corps owes Paul a tremendous debt of gratitude for his tireless efforts to
preserve the legacy of the Finance Soldier that is embodied in our motto, “To Support and Serve”!
John and I are dedicated to preserving our retired membership’s legacy and transitioning our
organization to an entity that is part of the Finance Corps continuum --from newly minted Finance
Corps Financial Managers and Comptrollers through Retirement-Eligible and Retired Finance
Corps Officers and Noncommissioned Officers of all Army Components: Active, Army Reserve, and
National Guard.
To Support and Serve!