Page 23 - FCA Diamond Point June 24
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                    FCCCC GRADUATION                                      FCCCC GRADUATION

                 On June 6, 2024, the Finance &                 On June 6, 2024, the Finance & Comptroller

             Comptroller Captain Career Course (FC                Captain Career Course (FC CCC) 501-24
           CCC) 001-24 graduated 22 Officers.  21 US                 graduated 22 Officers.  20 US and 2
                   and 1 International Officers).                           International Officers).

           Congratulation to the following graduates:            Congratulation to the following graduates:

                     1LT Steven L. Canington                                   CPT Kali M. Rose

                LTC LEWIS L. HAWKINS AWARD                            LTC LEWIS L. HAWKINS AWARD
                           RECIPIENTS:                                           RECIPIENTS:
                     1LT(P) Steven L. Canington                                 CPT Kali M. Rose

                      COMMANDANTS LIST:                                     COMMANDANTS LIST:
           1LT(P) Steven L. Canington, CPT Marlena Janes,       CPT Genevieve Mclellan, CPT Michael Metz,
           CPT Mok-Sun John Kim, 1LT(P) Brandon M.              CPT Kali M. Rose, CPT John Valeri
                                                                             ACADEMIC AWARD:
                       ACADEMIC AWARD:                                            CPT Genevieve N. Mclellan
                              CPT Mok Sun John Kim
                                                                           Top APFT AWARDEES:
                      Top APFT AWARDEES:                                            CPT John Valeri: MALE,
                               CPT Dylan Burks: MALE                                CPT Kelly Heimer: FEMALE
                               CPT Rebecca Womack: FEMALE
                                                                            DIPLOMATIC AWARD:
                      DIPLOMATIC AWARD:                                                 CPT Abdullah Alrayes
                          CPT Wonkeun Hong,
                                                                            Remaining Graduates:
                      Remaining Graduates:                                          MAJ Abdulaziz Alhoshan
                             CPT Rikendra P. Dhakal                                     CPT Alex C. Armitage
                                CPT Alex B. Diaz                                        CPT Timothy F. Barile
                                CPT Patrick M. Dowling                                  CPT Ryan S. Blackwell
                          CPT Adeola J. Folami                                          CPT Coby E. Carpentier
                          CPT Jaimeca L. Gazaway                                        CPT Keven Cordero
                                CPT Bethani J. Glover-Greaves                           1LT(P) Alexander J. Gill
                                CPT Cody C. Hickman                                     CPT Zachary P. Hahn
                                CPT Charles Johnson                                     CPT Seo Y. Kim
                                CPT Guy-Roland G. Kpene                                 CPT Bryan A. Murray
                                CPT Tuan V. Le                                          CPT Manuel Ortiz
                                CPT Charles K. Lee                                      CPT David Ray
                                CPT Sung K. Shin                                        1LT(P) Darryl Thomas
                                CPT Moussa A. Sylla                                     CPT Katrina Townsend
                                CPT Jasmine L. Thompson                                 CPT Tyriek J. Wiley
                                CPT Anyamanee Wilber                                    CPT Jennifer M. Zachary

           Instructors for FC CCC 001-24 & 501-24 was           Instructors for FC CCC 001-24 & 501-24 was
           CPT Virgil A. Binion                                 CPT Avery Rucker

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