Page 4 - FCA Diamond Point June 24
P. 4


            Finance and Comptroller Professionals,

           I would like to start by saying I am truly honored and humbled to have the
          opportunity to serve as the 13th Finance and Comptroller School and Finance

           Corps (Regimental) Command Sergeant Major. The seamless transition and
          heartfelt welcome I received gave me just a glimpse of the Finance and
          Comptroller team’s professionalism, commitment to excellence, and the
          leadership of my predecessor, CSM Dennis Dodge. CSM Dodge worked
          tirelessly to set the school on the path to drive change and develop leaders.
          As the Dodge Family transitions into retirement, I want to thank them for their
          sacrifices and commitment to the Army and wish them the best in their future            CSM Rodland

          As I assess the things we do and how we do them, one thing is sure: We will not
          relent in our endeavors to build adaptive and agile experts prepared to fight and win in large-scale
          combat operations. We must sustain those things which have given us an edge in this effort. Our
          initial military training and professional military education courses are a solid precursor for
          continuing the Sustainment Community in physical, cognitive, and tactical rigor. Our partnership
          with the University of South Carolina and our in-house financial data analytics program has
          become the model for other branches. Simply put, we are leading the way and have no intention of
          slowing down.

          Many of our formations, have changed or are beginning to see the changes brought about by the
          force design update, changes intended to make the Finance Corps capable of supporting the Army
          of 2030. The Army will continue to transform and so will our Corps.  The FCS will continue to focus
          on updating the institutional products that support operational efforts and prepare for a tabletop
          exercise (TTX) to test the new force structure. We are working vigorously to finalize FM 4-80
          (Finance and Comptroller Operations), DA PAM 600-25 (NNO Professional Development Guide
          (CMF 36)), continue to update the individual, collective, and mission essential tasks; and we are
          updating training products within the institutional domain. These tasks will be challenging, but I am
          excited for our Corps and its future in supporting our Army.

          It is evident that the Corps is as strong as it has ever been, and I am deeply impressed by all that
          FC Warriors are accomplishing across the Army. I can’t wait to get out and gain a more profound
          sense of the support we provide to commanders as COL Robert Le’iato (incoming Commandant),
          and I visit our units and engage with our Soldiers. It is, after all, the incredible service, sacrifice,
          and professionalism of our Soldiers and Civilians across the Total Force that makes the Finance
          Corps a phenomenal team.

          Finally, I would like to thank the Finance Corps Association officers. Some may take your
          contributions for granted as volunteers, but your selfless service is never lost on us here at the
          FCS. We are grateful for the support the FCA provides the school. Your contributions are
          paramount in honoring our legacy, sharing the success of our units, and building camaraderie
          across our Corps. I look forward to the continued partnership with the FCA as we strive for
          excellence within the Finance and Comptroller community.

                                                   To Support and Serve,


                                                   To Support and Serve!
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