Page 39 - FCA Diamond Point Dec 24-smg review
P. 39
Company Grade Officers Notes your peers and units.
- Only SOF positions filled out of market are 75
to speak with you about your career is a brief Ranger Regiment and 160 SOAR
email followed by a TEAMS call so I can have
time to review your file and be better prepared -Removal from market will not happen after
mid-market review.
to provide you the best guidance, options and
answers to your questions. The sooner you RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR IPPSA TWO
reach out the better. SIDED MARKET
DCP 1. Units “should” not ask you for OERs;
you can provide if you choose too. However,
Congrats to the 10 Soldiers selected for DCP
this year. We had a total of 21 packets making units should not even state or ask “if you would
this year one of the most competitive years like, you can send your OER.”
since the establishment of the program. Do not 2. Branch will not share any information to
let this stop you from submitting your packet the officer or the unit IRT preference placement.
on time next year! Do not ask.
25-02 CPT MARKETPLACE IN IPPS-A 3. Get involved with the market early and
often. There can be weekly changes as the
Market closed on 26NOV2025. marketplace evolves.
This was the first time there was an IPPS-A 4. If you contact a unit IRT a position and the
marketplace, and it had its challenges. Please un it is unresponsive, reach out to me and I will
know that HRC does not own IPPSA like it did
AIM so making accurate changes is a little attempt to close the loop with the account
more challenging and takes more time. manager. Be reasonable with the time allowed
for a unit to respond.
Officers were shown jobs that were not valid,
positions were added and removed in error 5. During your discussions with the unit; be
and markets had limited assignments. These ho nest, be upfront and know your career
were just some of the challenges from 25-02 path/plan. Ask the unit about the specific
across all branches. position you are expecting to fill. Ensure the
position described is the position you will be
Please send me an email with your issues, filling. This is of particular importance with
discussion and recommendation so we can command positions.
provide feedback to the IPPSA team and
improve the market moving forward. With that 6. If a unit asks you to provide a screenshot
being said the officers in the next few markets of your preferences, do not provide and reach
need to remain flexible. Once the analytics are out to me at the conclusion of that interview.
available for the one-sided market are
If you experience such situations mentioned
available, I will share for expectation
management. above, please reach out to me for assistance.
Take aways from 25-02 The marketplace is an incredible opportunity to
control your career. Take advantage of this
-Make sure EFMP/MACP is updated, MACPs opportunity. If you do not actively participate,
were removed at mid-market review. you will not have a voice in your next
assignment. We are here to support you and
-Two-sided market (KD complete CPTs) market answer any questions you may have.
is a lot smaller, and positions were typically
one officer deep broadening position. Ensure your resume is updated prior to
marketplace opening. The resume is an
- No O1A positions for one sided or two-sided
outstanding vehicle to provide additional
marketplace. information about yourself and your career
- Improved notification of REFRAD, MEB or accomplishments that are not reflected within
an OER. You are competing in an open
RETIREMENT, not informing me only hurts
your peers and units.