Page 106 - Yearbook
P. 106

Jennifer Ji            Joyan-Lee Montaque              Katia Titarenko              Kevin Maderable

                                            "“For with God nothing is
               Oops, I got 2020 problems          impossible.”             Your will shall decide         A BIstander, cause I
                 saying bye, bye, bye… so          Luke 1:37              your destiny. ~Charlotte      couldn't choose sides.
                  Happy Graduation!! :)      Whatever you do, never               Brontë
                                            give up. Do your best & God
                                              will do the rest! GL!"

                                                 Mac Garrett
                     Lynn Kang                                             Mamadou Diakite             Michael Aizenshtadt

                "If there ever comes a day    Study is important But      I almost failed in graduat-   They told me to balance
                when we can't be togeth-         BaSkETbALl iS            ing from this school but       my I balanced
                er, keep me in your heart,        ImPoRtAnTeR              I never gave up. Because      it between Netflix and
                 I'll stay there forever."                                 that's my nindo, my Ninja           Disney+.
                    -Winnie the Pooh                                               way!

                      Orion Ng                 Parsa Nasirian                Phiona Nimoh                  Rebecca Peach

                 High school is just like     You can catch a lot of        “In everything she did           I prefer apples
                 life. It ends right when    flies with honey, but you     she had great success,
                you learn to appreciate it.  catch more honeys being      because the Lord was with
                                                      fly.                  her. - 1 Samuel 18:14”


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