Page 73 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 73
The Handbook: Law Firm Networks

(2) Network members compete with branches of large firms located in other countries. Clients who
know they are members of a network with a reputation for quality firms will view the local network
member in the same way as they do the local branches.

(3) When members of a network see that their network is recognized, this enhances their image. If
the network wins an award, it will be prominently featured on the website.315

(4) Members of the network are hired by large firms that do not have offices in a country but are
seeking vetted firms for their clients. Being members of a recognized network that does not compete
with these firms enhances the chances of selection.

(5) Being well known externally assists in recruiting members to the network.

(6) An external brand can also create cooperative agreements with other associations, such as bar
associations, which require the perception of the legitimacy of the network.

Professional services networks need recognition in their own right, even though they do not perform services
for clients. The network is primarily responsible for creating the external brand. The network holds its own
copyright(s) and trademark(s). As part of membership, the members may be officially licensed to use the
intellectual property. The network is directly responsible for advertisements and all other forms of marketing.
Creating an external brand increases the internal awareness when members see the network in context.

At the point where the network is successful, the members may want to market the network to their clients
and other organizations. Ultimately, this extends to marketing the network to both the profession and the
public. At each level there are many considerations.

Accounting networks regularly are mentioned in the accounting press. Annual detailed comparison is made
regionally, nationally, internationally and globally among the accounting networks. The legal networks
cannot distinguish themselves from one another in the media. This is evident in many articles where the
leading networks are not all represented.316 The networks are at the mercy of the media or their members to
establish the brand.317 Advertising in the media is not necessarily for the client but for the members of the
network to see the network.

The professional services media in the legal profession is essentially controlled by a number of publishers,
each of which has carved out its niche. The publishers may focus on a practice area (such as the financial
market), a type of profession, or a market within the profession. Some are new sources of information for the
profession. Others may be directories, ranking agencies, and/or bar or other professional associations. There
are also now online services, such as the International Law Office. Together they control the medium for
advertising networks.

These publications offer an extensive readership to law and accounting firms and networks. In the legal
profession the focus is on the 100,318 250,319 500,320 and 1,000321 largest firms. Law firms that advertise and

315 European Law Firm Network of the Year, LEX MUNDI, (last visited Feb. 5, 2016).
316 Joining the Alliance, ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS (July 2011).
317 The legal media has distinguished between the traditional hierarchical law firm and the network. The law firm gets virtually all attention.
Networks may have to pay to be included in lists of law networks. See CHAMBERS AND PARTNERS, (last visited Feb. 5, 2016); see also Network Directory, LEGAL 500, (last visited Feb. 5, 2016).
318 AM LAW 100, (last visited Feb. 5,


319 NLJ JOURNAL 250, (last visited Feb. 5, 2016).
320 LEGAL 500, (last visited Feb. 5, 2016).

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