Page 176 - Leaders in Legal Business - PDF - Final
P. 176
Moreover, the work of the IBA on human rights through its Human Rights Institute must be
praised for the work done around the world supporting the rule of law and its fundamentals.

The IBA’s work through conferences, special projects, task forces, working groups,
publications, and permanent research on the development of law and the challenges faced by the
legal profession can be considered as the best or one of the best continuing legal education
programs. As a former IBA president used to say, “the IBA offers to its members one of the best
master of laws.”

Being a member of the IBA for almost 30 years and one of its former leaders, I have
witnessed firsthand the ongoing development of the association and its different components,
which has been possible because of the commitment and hard work of its leaders and staff, and
the support of its members. This understanding is supported by my experience as officer of the
IBA (from secretary general to president); my service on the former Section on Business Law
(from secretary-treasurer to chair) and the Latin American Regional Forum (founder and chair);
and my participation as chair and co-chair of different initiatives, such as the Task Force on
International Multijurisdictional Commercial Practice, the Task Force on the restructuring of the
IBA regional activities, and the last Committee Review to modify the structure of the
association. This experience allowed me to gain in-depth knowledge of the inner workings of the
IBA and the leadership shown by its members and officers, which translates into an influential
force in the legal profession. Their drive and work are definitely the paramount factor of the
success of the organization and the advancement of legality.

Analyzing the structure, the leadership, the work, and the different initiatives undertaken
by the different components of the IBA, it is evident why it is the global voice of the legal

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