Page 186 - Leaders in Legal Business - PDF - Final
P. 186
Administrative and Marketing

Oliver Yandle1

Executive Director, Association

of Legal Administrators

Legal Administrative Associations

Professional associations serving the legal profession have been around for more than
100 years, helping to shape the development of the law and those who practice it. Professional
associations for administrative management in the legal industry, however, are a more recent
development. In 1957, the president of the American Bar Association, Charles S. Rhyne,
identified the need for an increased focus on the economics of law practice and created a special
committee to develop practical suggestions on how to manage the business of law. By the early
1970s, the needs and complexities of law
firm management had grown significantly,
spurring the creation of a number of
organizations specifically focused on the
business of law.

Today, the management of law
firms and law departments requires highly
specialized skills and advanced training.
Many legal business professionals have
obtained advanced degrees in business
management, marketing, information
management and technology, finance, and
human resources. Often, they have secured
professional certifications and designations in their particular field of practice, such as the
Certified Legal Manager or Professional in Human Resources, to advance their professional
skills. In addition to formal educational opportunities, legal business professionals rely on
associations to keep them up to date on the issues, trends, and skills necessary to succeed in this
rapidly changing environment.

1 Oliver Yandle, CAE, of Chicago, Illinois is the executive director of ALA. Oliver comes to ALA from the Commercial Law League of
America in Chicago, Illinois where he served as executive vice president.

Oliver’s law association experience includes holding the executive director position at the International Association of Defense Counsel, in
Chicago, Illinois, and he served as an adjunct instructor of legal analysis and writing at the Washington College of Law at American
In addition to his legal experience, Oliver has had a long-standing career in association work, most recently having held the position
of executive vice president for Commercial Law League of America. He has held senior director positions at SmithBucklin in Chicago, Illinois, at
the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association in Washington, D.C., and at the Intelligent Transportation Society of America in
Washington D.C.

He is active in both the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), where he holds the Certified Association Executive designation
and the Association Forum of Chicagoland.

Oliver is a native of Louisiana and holds a B.A. in journalism from Loyola University of the South in New Orleans, and a J.D. from
Washington College of Law at The American University in Washington, D.C.

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