Page 3 - Phase One - 2016 -2018 AILFN (3)
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2016 - 2018 Phase One – A Global Presence
Welcome to AILFN – Phase One
Founded in January 2016, the Association of International Law Firm Networks (AILFN) has
grown to become a recognized institution in the global legal profession. Its objective is
the representation of the common interests of law firm networks.
To achieve its objective, AILFN has reached out to the legal profession at every level. Its
database and social media presences covers virtually the entire world’s legal profession.
Its meetings have brought together more than 35 leaders to discuss elements of the
disruption in both the legal and accounting professions. In these two years, AILFN
publications have reached more than 500,000 attorneys. The publications are read each
day by professionals around the world.
AILFN’s products and publications have not been limited to the obvious. It has developed
technology to provide real-time access 300,000 attorneys by their exact expertise
anywhere on earth. Locate Law Networks and Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) harness
billions of dollars spent over several decades of lawyers developing professional and
personal relationship on behalf of clients,
We look forward to deploying each of these products, tools, publication, and technology
in Phase Two.
Welcome to AILFN – Phase One
Founded in January 2016, the Association of International Law Firm Networks (AILFN) has
grown to become a recognized institution in the global legal profession. Its objective is
the representation of the common interests of law firm networks.
To achieve its objective, AILFN has reached out to the legal profession at every level. Its
database and social media presences covers virtually the entire world’s legal profession.
Its meetings have brought together more than 35 leaders to discuss elements of the
disruption in both the legal and accounting professions. In these two years, AILFN
publications have reached more than 500,000 attorneys. The publications are read each
day by professionals around the world.
AILFN’s products and publications have not been limited to the obvious. It has developed
technology to provide real-time access 300,000 attorneys by their exact expertise
anywhere on earth. Locate Law Networks and Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) harness
billions of dollars spent over several decades of lawyers developing professional and
personal relationship on behalf of clients,
We look forward to deploying each of these products, tools, publication, and technology
in Phase Two.