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different types of networks are perceived and want to be perceived. They impact the marketing of networks
internally to members and externally to clients, the media, and the global legal profession.
Blomberg Law, Victor Li, July 10, 2015,
Is popular verein structure jeopardizing big firms? Dentons challenges conflict-of-interest ruling, This was
proceeded by a case alleging a conflict of interest against Norton Rose Fulbright. Bruce MacEwen | October 15, 2014 Norton
Rose se Fulbright: a merger, a combination, or trying to have it both ways?
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internally to members and externally to clients, the media, and the global legal profession.
Blomberg Law, Victor Li, July 10, 2015,
Is popular verein structure jeopardizing big firms? Dentons challenges conflict-of-interest ruling, This was
proceeded by a case alleging a conflict of interest against Norton Rose Fulbright. Bruce MacEwen | October 15, 2014 Norton
Rose se Fulbright: a merger, a combination, or trying to have it both ways?
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