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Leaders in Legal Business
Acritas Global Elite Law Firm Brand Index 20144
Clearly many firms will argue with the position of specific firms in the table, but it needs to be appreciated
that these are based on global responses, not just a handful of business centers. It is also notable that there is a
direct correlation between the size and breadth of a firm, and its level of global brand recognition. To some extent,
in branding terms, bigger really is better. While individual tables may be contentious, firms should not lose track
of the fact that their wider reputation is important. Name recognition in the boardroom (which may be thousands
of miles away from the law firm’s head office), credibility with key regulators, acceptance by investment banks,
and name awareness by key shareholder groups can be important factors in a law firm’s ability to win and keep
work from a client.
4 ACRITAS, (last visited January 27, 2015).
Acritas Global Elite Law Firm Brand Index 20144
Clearly many firms will argue with the position of specific firms in the table, but it needs to be appreciated
that these are based on global responses, not just a handful of business centers. It is also notable that there is a
direct correlation between the size and breadth of a firm, and its level of global brand recognition. To some extent,
in branding terms, bigger really is better. While individual tables may be contentious, firms should not lose track
of the fact that their wider reputation is important. Name recognition in the boardroom (which may be thousands
of miles away from the law firm’s head office), credibility with key regulators, acceptance by investment banks,
and name awareness by key shareholder groups can be important factors in a law firm’s ability to win and keep
work from a client.
4 ACRITAS, (last visited January 27, 2015).