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Leaders in Legal Business

Information technology professionals in law firms have risen to strategically important positions that affect client-
facing services.

It is a professional association comprising almost 1,300 law firms and legal departments from around the
globe. The association’s purpose is to provide information to members to maximize the value of technology in
support of the legal profession. Through delivery of educational content and peer-networking opportunities, ILTA
provides members information resources in order to make technology work for the legal profession.

Among its publications are Peer to Peer (published quarterly), and several white papers and surveys; it
also hosts online product briefings for emerging technologies as well as a number of in-person meetings and

Established in 1984, the International Practice Management Association9 has also evolved to meet the
changing needs of the legal profession. It began as the Legal Assistant Management Association and was renamed
the International Paralegal Management Association on January 1, 2005. “As a reflection of its updated and
expanded mission to serve managers of not only paralegals but also other practice support professionals, the
Association changed its name in April 2014 to the International Practice Management Association.”10

IPMA is a leading resource for information regarding the management of paralegals and other practice
support professionals in law firms. IPMA has more than 500 members who are directors or managers of paralegal
services in law firms or governmental agencies in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean.

It hosts an annual conference and expo, as well as a managerial skills seminar. Its quarterly electronic
magazine, Paralegal Management magazine, features articles on current trends and issues that relate to
management and the paralegal profession.

The Legal Marketing Association,11 founded in 1985, “serves the needs and maintains the professional
standards of the men and women involved in marketing, business development, client service and communications
within the legal profession. LMA also is a resource for practicing attorneys and law firm leaders who want to
develop their practices and gain competitive advantage. ”12 The organization has more than 3,000 members (48
U.S. states, Canada, and 15 other countries) and has 19 chapters (in the U.S. and Canada).

LMA provides on-demand education through its CORE (Continuing Online Resource for Legal
Marketing Education) competencies program and a Quickstart Online Course designed for newcomers to the legal
marketing and business development field. These courses cover all 10 core competencies of legal marketing.

NALP,13 the National Association for Law Placement, began in 1971 during a tumultuous period in both
the legal profession and legal education; their creation was a response to a perceived need for a forum in which
legal professionals could discuss issues around placement and recruitment.14 This organization, which consists of
more than 2,500 legal career professionals who advise law students, lawyers, law offices, and law schools both
domestically and abroad, facilitates legal career counseling and planning. NALP collects and publishes legal
employment data and information; encourages education and standards for recruiting, professional, and career
development; and advocates for diversity and inclusion.15

In addition to a monthly bulletin, the group publishes a number of research and statistical studies on a
variety of topics, including diversity and inclusion; lawyer and law student professional development; recruitment
and hiring; and compensation and benefits.

Formed in 1975, the National Association of Legal Assistants16 is the leading paralegal association in the
United States. Its mission “is to provide continuing education and professional development programs to all
paralegals.”17 Representing more than 18,000 paralegals, NALA provides continuing education materials and
seminars, networking opportunities, professional certification programs, occupational survey findings, and

11 LEGAL MARKETING ASSOCIATION, (last visited May 5, 2015).
12 LEGAL MARKETING ASSOCIATION, ABOUT, (last visited January 17, 2015).
13 NALP, (last visited May 5, 2015).
14 NALP, WHAT IS NALP? (last visited January 17, 2015).
15 Id.
16 NALA, (last visited May 5, 2015).
17 NALA, (last visted January 17, 2015).

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