Page 193 - Leaders in Legal Business 2018
P. 193
Chapter 7 – Legal Business


Published September 2015

Tony Harriss1

Group Managing Director,

Globe Business Media Group

The Evolution of Legal Publishing: Who Will Survive?

What does the future hold for the legal market and the legal publishing sector?
Will a Korean client 3D-print a chip holding all U.S. case law to plug directly into her
neural pathway in a William Gibson-esque 2030?
Will a technology giant such as Google have applied artificial intelligence to merger
control regulations worldwide, enabling companies to bypass both law firms and legal
Perhaps cohorts of micro-bloggers will replace the legal publishing behemoths by
delivering niche content to defined audiences funded as law firm marketing exercises, or by
micro-revenue streams from Taboola and Google ads?
The sharing economy may take hold, establishing one or many legal wikis that leave
publishers disintermediated.
Will lawyers be automated out of existence? Or will it all still just be about getting the
right content to the right people at the right time?

Technology — Friend or Foe?

With the application of technology, the publishing industry as a whole is undergoing its
biggest revolution since Gutenberg. At the same time, technology, process engineering, and
commercial pressures are changing the legal services market beyond recognition. Sitting at the
nexus of these two industries, legal publishing has changed dramatically in the last decade and
the pace of that change is only set to increase.

Legal publishing is just one trade vertical. Lessons learned in other sectors, such as
medical or tax, will be transferred. Major technological developments in another area, when
applied to law, may be more powerful than anything yet developed in the legal space.

Legal publishers used to sell textbooks or standard forms in loose-leaf volumes; now

1 Tony Harriss is co-founder and group managing director of Globe Business Media Group. Established in 1996, Globe is a business-to-business
content and connections company, specializing in the legal and intellectual property markets worldwide. It produces market-leading information,
data, networking, software, and marketing services for lawyers, C-suite executives, and HR professionals, and their organizations, globally.

The author would like to thank Alex Morrall, a long-time peer in the legal media industry, and Carolyn Boyle, Globe’s editorial services director,
for their invaluable input.

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