Page 57 - Leaders in Legal Business 2018
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Online Content Marketing –
Blogs, Websites, and SEO
Kevin O’Keefe1
CEO, LexBlog
Blogging: Networking Through the Internet to Build a Reputation and Relationships
Good lawyers get their best work via relationships and word of mouth — always have
and always will. The Internet has not changed this.
Blogging accelerates a legal professional’s relationships and reputation. What may have
taken a lawyer 15 or 20 years to accomplish in professional and business development is being
accomplished by good lawyers, through blogging, in two or three years.
Take attorney Peter Mahler of Farrell
Fritz, a mid-sized New York-based general
practice law firm. He generates 100 percent of
his business from relationships he has built
through blogging. Mahler’s New York
Business Divorce blog,2 which focuses on
business dissolution matters, has enabled him to
build a national reputation and referral base that
allows him to work on sophisticated matters
with high-quality clients.
Here are just four reasons why you
should consider blogging.
● Nearly 60 percent of a typical B2B purchasing decision is made before even having a
conversation with the provider.3
● Your future clients are Googling you. Seventy-eight percent of executive-level buyers
go online to look for legal counsel.4 What are they seeing?
1 Kevin O’Keefe is the founder and CEO of LexBlog, a blog devoted to helping legal professionals establish networks, build online visibility,
and create organic interactions via their respective contributions. In addition to LexBlog, Kevin also founded Prairie Group Trial Lawyers, a
virtual law group, after a 17-year tenure as a practicing attorney. He has a B.B.A. and a J.D., and has spent almost 20 years serving as a board
member on two Wisconsin area banks. Kevin’s grassroots approach to legal networking is the reason why LexBlog is one of the largest legal
blogs in the world.
3 Brent Adamson, et al, The End of Solution Sales, HARVARD BUS. REV. (July-August 2012),
4 Burkey Belser, Heavy Executive Level Reliance on the Internet for Finding and Working with Professional Service Providers,
GREENFIELD/BELSER (Dec. 12, 2010),
and-working-with- professional-service-providers.
Blogs, Websites, and SEO
Kevin O’Keefe1
CEO, LexBlog
Blogging: Networking Through the Internet to Build a Reputation and Relationships
Good lawyers get their best work via relationships and word of mouth — always have
and always will. The Internet has not changed this.
Blogging accelerates a legal professional’s relationships and reputation. What may have
taken a lawyer 15 or 20 years to accomplish in professional and business development is being
accomplished by good lawyers, through blogging, in two or three years.
Take attorney Peter Mahler of Farrell
Fritz, a mid-sized New York-based general
practice law firm. He generates 100 percent of
his business from relationships he has built
through blogging. Mahler’s New York
Business Divorce blog,2 which focuses on
business dissolution matters, has enabled him to
build a national reputation and referral base that
allows him to work on sophisticated matters
with high-quality clients.
Here are just four reasons why you
should consider blogging.
● Nearly 60 percent of a typical B2B purchasing decision is made before even having a
conversation with the provider.3
● Your future clients are Googling you. Seventy-eight percent of executive-level buyers
go online to look for legal counsel.4 What are they seeing?
1 Kevin O’Keefe is the founder and CEO of LexBlog, a blog devoted to helping legal professionals establish networks, build online visibility,
and create organic interactions via their respective contributions. In addition to LexBlog, Kevin also founded Prairie Group Trial Lawyers, a
virtual law group, after a 17-year tenure as a practicing attorney. He has a B.B.A. and a J.D., and has spent almost 20 years serving as a board
member on two Wisconsin area banks. Kevin’s grassroots approach to legal networking is the reason why LexBlog is one of the largest legal
blogs in the world.
3 Brent Adamson, et al, The End of Solution Sales, HARVARD BUS. REV. (July-August 2012),
4 Burkey Belser, Heavy Executive Level Reliance on the Internet for Finding and Working with Professional Service Providers,
GREENFIELD/BELSER (Dec. 12, 2010),
and-working-with- professional-service-providers.