Page 4 - Legal and Accounting Markets 1985 -2022
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Global Law and Accounting Practices and Markets
Biglaw and legal networks. Their services can be factored into as a source of
referrals in virtually no time.
The legal profession has nothing to fear if they anticipate these tectonic changes. The future is bright for
members of law and accounting networks, as well as associations of independent firms.
Today and Tomorrow
Setting the Stage: Law7 and Accounting8 - The $1.1 trillion market
7 Attack of the Bean Counters, THE ECONOMIST (March 19, 2015);
are-coming-after-your-business-attack-bean-counters; Taking on the World: The Big Four in the Global Legal Market, AMERICAN LAWYER (Oct. 18, 2017),
market/?slreturn=20171117172407; Nicholas Bruch, David B. Wilkins & Maria J. Esteban Ferrer, Taking on the World: The Big Four in the Global Legal
Market, LAW.COM (Oct. 18, 2017),
8 Global Accounting Market Research Report, IBISWORLD (Sept. 2017),
activities/accounting-services.html; Auditor Market Share of S&P, AUDIT ANALYTICS (Feb. 27, 2017),
market-share-of-the-sp-500/; Mike Robinson, The Top 40 Networks & Associations of 2016, ACCOUNTANCY AGE (July 13, 2016),
Biglaw and legal networks. Their services can be factored into as a source of
referrals in virtually no time.
The legal profession has nothing to fear if they anticipate these tectonic changes. The future is bright for
members of law and accounting networks, as well as associations of independent firms.
Today and Tomorrow
Setting the Stage: Law7 and Accounting8 - The $1.1 trillion market
7 Attack of the Bean Counters, THE ECONOMIST (March 19, 2015);
are-coming-after-your-business-attack-bean-counters; Taking on the World: The Big Four in the Global Legal Market, AMERICAN LAWYER (Oct. 18, 2017),
market/?slreturn=20171117172407; Nicholas Bruch, David B. Wilkins & Maria J. Esteban Ferrer, Taking on the World: The Big Four in the Global Legal
Market, LAW.COM (Oct. 18, 2017),
8 Global Accounting Market Research Report, IBISWORLD (Sept. 2017),
activities/accounting-services.html; Auditor Market Share of S&P, AUDIT ANALYTICS (Feb. 27, 2017),
market-share-of-the-sp-500/; Mike Robinson, The Top 40 Networks & Associations of 2016, ACCOUNTANCY AGE (July 13, 2016),