Page 6 - Phase One - Creating a Global Organization - AILFN 2016 - 2018
P. 6

(Association of International Law Firm Networks) is a trade
association that represents the common interests of international, regional,
and specialty law firm networks.

Our Objective

Status 2016 2017 2018 2019
1 Biglaw Vereins Vereins Networks
2 Vereins Biglaw Networks Vereins
3 Big Four Networks Biglaw Biglaw
4 Networks Big Four Big Four Big Four
5 Other Other Other Other

Our Purposes

AILFN has four purposes: (1) enhance the position and recognition of
networks in the legal market as the only global organizations for
providing legal services; (2) establish common principles to maintain
standards of quality; (3) provide a forum for networks to exchange
information; and (4) negotiate agreements with vendors that can
increase the efficiency and effectiveness of networks.
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