Page 3 - Impact Report August 2022_Neat
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Swifty Strategic Objectives 2022-2025
1) Increase post-mortem tissue donations by 15% 3) Develop a strategic network of key partners across
annually using the GFAC established tissue the pediatric brain cancer community to increase
navigator program at its six Centers of Excellence awareness of GFAC and its role in children’s post-
and referrals from CBTN hospitals and key mortem tissue donations.
strategic partners. 4) Revise the Swifty operations team and secure the
2) Build a library of educational resources for necessary human resources to achieve our GFAC
clinicians, end-of-life care givers, and families to strategic objectives.
1) highlight the value of post-mortem donations, 5) Develop a financial budget for fiscal year 2022 to 2025
2) prepare clinicians and caregivers to discuss not to exceed $5 million.
donation with families whose children will not Most importantly, each strategic objective is supported by
survive their cancer and 3) the post-mortem a detailed action plan with key results. In the months to
donation conversation is formalized as a standard come, we will be sharing those plans and
practice for families at children’s hospitals. our progress in our monthly newsletters.
Start Spreading the NEWS Curefest 2022
We wish we’d paid more attention in our high school Childhood Cancer’s biggest
speech classes! The past year saw the beginning of our annual awareness raising event is
new and improved effort to raise awareness and educate Curefest held in Washington DC,
(see objective #2 & #3). In the last year, Al and Patti have September 21–25th. Swifty is part
presented at the following conferences and we are just of the leadership team planning
getting started: the BrainStorm Summit, a day long
• Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Symposium program for the Childhood Brain Cancer
• Children’s Oncology Group (COG) clinicians Community. Swifty is one of the lead hosts
for the headline luncheon, Driving Wins Through
• Mark Levine’s podcast Tissue Collection and Data Collaboration. At the luncheon,
• Childhood Cancer Prevention Initiative (CCPI) webinar families from Gift from a Child will be recognized and thanked
• Children’s Oncology Group (COG) nurses and a keynote panel of top researchers from around the
• McKenna Claire Foundation country will share the impact tissue donation has had on their
research. Sunday morning will begin with a Swifty hosted
• Western Michigan Medical School
worship service before families head to the Washington
• CureSearch – The Journey of a Post-Mortem Monument for the heartbreaking empty shoe memorial for
Donation webinar children lost to cancer.
Our First Best Action
Another Yogi Berra maxim,“The future ain’t what it used to be.” That will certainly be true for Swifty as we
have brought on Deborah du Vair to serve as Co-Director with Patti. Per Objective #4, we need to strengthen
our team and we have made quite an acquisition!
I hav e had the privil ege of w orking with the Swifty F oundation sinc e its inc eption as a s tr at egic advisor
I have had the privilege of working with the Swifty Foundation since its inception as a strategic advisor
to Al
to Al, Patti and the board. My passion and background working with non-profits, foundations and
corporations has been focused primarily on strategic planning and implementation. I have an
corporations has been focused primarily on strategic planning and implementation. I have an
undergraduate degree in Accounting from Notre Dame where I became firmly dedicated to
serving my community. I began my career at KPMG as a CPA, earned an MBA from Kellogg and
a Strategies for Non-Profit Management certificate from the University of Chicago. I am inspired
by Swifty’s amazing team and their progress on Michael’s Master Plan, and thrilled for the
opportunity to help move Swifty’s ambitious goals forward. I plan to use my experience to help
our team stay focused on our strategic priorities to increase tissue donation as we do our part to
improve outcomes for children with brain cancer.