Page 15 - نواورس کاتالوگ.cdr
P. 15

BizUps is an Innova ve product in the field of business
    events and matchmaking.
    As  a  specialized  online  pla orm  for  the  business
    community, the BizUps pla orm has created a unique
    space for effec ve communica on, networking, holding
    smart  events  and  showcasing  business  services  and
    With  the  help  of  intelligent  matchmaking  tools,  this
    pla orm  allows  users  to  communicate  with  their
    professional  colleagues,  use  each  other's  services  to
    develop their business, and a ract new customers and
    finally conclude large business contracts.
    This comprehensive commercial/specialized intelligent
    business  matchmaking  pla orm  is  currently  ac ve  in
    two lines:
    Organizing smart business/educa onal events
    Smart business/business club
                                                                                   Why Bizups?
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