Page 10 - Starbucks Coffee
P. 10

Howard Schultz

     Sejarah Singkat Pemilik Starbuck

            Howard Schultz merupakan seorang penulis dan

            pebisnis yang kini menjadi sosok pemegang strategi
            pemasaran Starbuck di seluruh dunia. Pria

            kelahiran 19 Juli 1953 di Brooklyn, New York,
            Amerika Serikat ini juga mantan pemilik Seattle

            SuperSonics. Awalnya Schultz hanya mencoba
            meminum kopi buatan Starbuck dan Ketika

            meminum kopi tersebut Schultz langsung jatuh hati
            dengan cita rasa kopi tersebut. Hal ini yang

            menyebabkan               Schultz         antusias         untuk        segera
            melamar kerja di Starbuck. Beberapa tahun

            kemudian, Schultz mendengar bahwa Starbuck
            akan dijual dari kedai kopi dengan harga US$4 Jt.

            Mengetahui hal tersebut, Schultz membeli Kedai
            kopi Starbuck tersebut, akhirnya Howard Schultz

            menjadi pemilik tunggal dan manager di Starbuck.

      Howard Schultz is a writer and businessman who is now the holder of

      Starbucks' marketing strategy worldwide. The man who was born July 19,

      1953 in Brooklyn, New York, United States, is also the former owner of
      Seattle SuperSonics. Initially, Schultz only tried to drink Starbucks coffee and

      when he drank the coffee, Schultz immediately fell in love with the taste of

      the coffee. This caused Schultz enthusiastic to immediately apply for a job at
      Starbucks. A few years later, Schultz heard that Starbucks would be selling

      from a coffee shop for US$4 Million. Knowing this, Schultz bought the

      Starbucks coffee shop, Howard Schultz eventually became the sole owner
      and manager at Starbucks.
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