Page 2 - Sports Day Edition 2024 22
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2022 IGCSE Result Announcement                                   3
        Headmaster’s Address                                                  03
                                        Editorial Desk                                                          4

        House Parade                    Principal’s Desk                     04                                                 What An Event ....

                                        Ski Trip                             05                                 8
        Shuttle Relay                                                                                                         This half term culminated with our annual Sports Day. With
                                        Year 11 Drop Down Day                                                   10            participation a crucial theme across Early Years and Primary, it was

        Other Activities In Pictures                                         06                          16                   great to see the range of activities all of our children participated in.
                                        FoRSS Coffee Morning

                                        TAFMUN Conference                    18                          18                   From the Mums School Dash and Bob the Builder in Early Years to
        Presentations                                                                                                         Pick the Fruit and the Water Fountain in Lower Primary, through to
                                        Abuja Schools Football League                                           32
                                                                             30                                               the more traditional track and field events, there really was something
        Parents & Staff Race            Boarding Outing (Bodyline Visit)                                        44            for everyone. The manner in which our students competed filled us

                                        The Czech Republic European Week Winners                         46                   with a sense of pride; resilience, support for each other and dignity
        Primary Years Sports Day
                                        Digest Club                                                             48            were all evident throughout the competition. I would like to add a big
                                                                            43                                                thank you to all of the parents who came to support the event, and the
        Other Sports Presentation                                                                               54
                                        Medical Corner
                                                                                                                              parents of Limpopo House in particular, whose dedication, support
                                        Term 1 Calendar                     47                           56
        Other Sports Day Activities                                                                                           and enthusiasm added a level of vibrancy to the event that would

                                        Students’ Nationalities in School                                58                   otherwise have been missing. It is perhaps fitting that with this level of
        Mothers Race                                                                                                          support Limpopo proved victorious across the event and we offer them
                                                                                                                              our heartiest congratulations. Once again, well done to all involved

        Presentation of Awards                                                                                                and I will see you at next year's event!

                                                                                                                              Shaun Stockden - Headmaster

                                    THE REGENT SSCHOOL                                                            2 2                                                 THE REGENT SCHOOL                                                     3
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