Page 6 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 39
P. 6


                                                                                                                                         articipating in the Science Day
                                 QUIZ                                                                                            P and rewarding experience. An-
                                                                                                                                         competition was an exciting

        13TH JUNE, 2024                                                                                                          choring the Year 9 presentations and

                                                                                                                                 receiving positive feedback deepened
                                                                                                                                 my  passion  for  scientific  exploration.
                                                                                                                                 Proud to contribute to the success of
                                                                                                                                 the event and motivated to pursue ex-

                                                                                                                                 cellence in this field.
      Article by  Chidalu Paul-Nwafor | Year 9 Benue

                                                                                                                                         Demilade Imani | Year 9 Benue
                he annual Science Competi-
                tion kicked off with a burst of
       T creativity as Ngozi and I coor-
        dinated a starting activity for the Year
        7 students, challenging them to build

        a plant cell model. The students en-
        gaged with enthusiasm, using the pro-
        vided materials to create the plant cell.
        This activity set a lively tone for the day
        and highlighted the fun side of learning.

        As the competition progressed, two                 “Back to Being Friends” – and a drama performed

        representatives      from    Benue,     Con-       by the Science Legends Crew added a refresh-
        go, Senegal, and Volta houses show-                ing break from the intense academic focus.
        cased their expertise in Biology, Chem-
        istry,  and  Physics.  Year  10  participants      In the end, Congo emerged as the overall winner,
        were given a special privilege, with               much to the  delight of its members. Despite the
        three  representatives per  house. The             fierce  competition,  the  event  created  a  sense  of
        challenges were tricky, testing the stu-           shared accomplishment among all participants.
        dents’ knowledge and problem-solv-                 The entertaining event must have left everyone ea-
        ing abilities, while interludes of sing-           gerly anticipating next year’s competition.

        ing – an amazing rendition of the song

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