Page 3 - Newsletter Week 9 term 3.2
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CONTENT                          FROM THE HEADMASTER’S


                           Shaun Stockden

                                                               material into manageable chunks, and
 03  Headmaster’s Desk  Dear Parents                           schedule regular breaks to prevent


    As we approach the end of the
                                                               3. Set Goals: Help your child set
    year,thoughts will be turning to exams                     specific, achievable goals for their study
 04  Hands-on Art  and reports. Rest assured, asteachers       sessions. Whether it’s completing a

    we know exactly what your child can
                                                               certain number of practice problems or
    and cannot do, and these exams are
                                                               mastering a particular topic, having
    just one of many tools we have to
                                                               clear objectives can keep them focused
    support our assessment of them and                         and motivated.
 06  From Imagination to Reality  as such they are definitely not the be   4. Provide Resources: Ensure your child

    all and end all of your child’s attain-

                                                               has access to all the necessary
                                                               resources for effective studying,
    As a parent, you play a crucial role in                    including textbooks, notes, online
 14  Curious Minds at Work  supporting your child’s academic   resources, and practice exams.

    journey, especially when it comes to
    exam preparation. The approach you                         Consider investing in additional study
                                                               materials or tutoring if needed.
    take can greatly influence your child’s

    confidence, motivation, and                                5. Promote Active Learning: Encourage
 15  English  ultimately, their performance. Here are          your child to actively engage with the

    some effective strategies to help your
                                                               material rather than passively reading
    child excel in exams:
                                                               or memorizing. Encourage them to ask
                                                               questions, participate in discussions,
    1. Start Early: Encourage your child to
 18  Medical Corner  begin preparing well in advance of the    and apply concepts to real-world
    exam date. Starting early allows for
    ample time to review materials
                                                               6. Practice, Practice, Practice: Practice
    thoroughly, understand concepts, and                       exams and past papers are invaluable
 22  Nationalities  address any areas of difficulty.           tools for exam preparation. They help

    2. Create a Study Schedule: Work with                      familiarize your child with the format of
                                                               the exam, identify areas of weakness,
    your child to create a realistic study
                                                               and build confidence.
    schedule that includes dedicated time
    for each subject. Break down the

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