Page 27 - Ski Trip 2023 Special Edition
P. 27

With skis in hand, we

                                                                              descended the moun-

                                                                              tain. While it was a bit

                                                                              steep,  I maintained

                                                                              control and didn’t fall.

            his morning, we were excited to learn               couldn’t  deny  feeling  a  bit  scared.  The  view
            that it was our last day, and we would              was incredible, but the only thing separat-

      T be  heading  to  the  mountains.  We  be-               ing  us  from  a  fall  was  the  railing.  However,
      gan  the  day  with  a  breakfast  consisting  of         remembering we were not in Nigeria helped
      pancakes and bread. Following that, we tack-              ease my tension.
      led the challenge of putting on our ski boots,
      a  task  that  requires  considerable  effort  and        With skis in hand, we descended the moun-
      makes walking around a bit tricky.                        tain. While it was a bit steep, I maintained con-
                                                                trol and didn’t fall. Contrary to popular belief,

      Once fully geared up, we headed straight to               skiing isn’t as easy as it looks. The best part,
      the  Plummer  lift.  To  my  surprise,  I  managed        however, lies in the speed and the breathtak-
      it well on the first try, a notable improvement           ing views, both of which I experienced on the
      from the days when I used to fall down every              mountain. The landscape was a pristine white,
      minute.  After  successfully  navigating  the  lift       with the sky, the ground, and even the majori-
      twice, we were informed that we were going to             ty of people seemingly enveloped in the same
      the mountains. Entering a gondola, the drive              snowy hue.
      was steep, but the breathtaking view made
      up for it. The mountains we were about to ski             All in all, skiing is incredibly fun, and worth en-

      down were so steep that they couldn’t be seen             during the strain on your legs and hands. The
      from the ground, obstructed by other peaks.               experience is truly rewarding in the end.

       Upon reaching the terminal, I had a close en-                   ELLIOT
      from  the  side  of  the  mountain  to  its  peak,  I  NWANDU
      counter with another skier, realising that this
      was  also  part  of  the  route.  Taking  gondolas

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 THE REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL  26  SKI & EDUCATIONAL TRIP SWITZERLAND 2023                                     27
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