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•  Eid El Kabir, Monday 17th -Tuesday 18th                   activities. To mark the day, all of the class-
 •  Progress tests for Years 3-6 Wednesday                    es discussed how vital play is and how some
 A Message from   19th June – Monday 24th June 4              children in Nigeria and across the world are

                                                              not as fortunate as them and may not have
 MRS. DYER  •  DELF exam A1 will be held on Tuesday,          the opportunity for fun and play in their lives.
 25th June.
                                                              They also found time to have fun together.
 HEAD OF SCHOOL  •  Year 4 Village Day Wednesday 26th June.
 •  ICT and Robotics exhibition for parents         

 – Years 1-6 – Thursday 27th June (more
 information to follow.)
 •  Transition Meeting for Play Group, Recep-
 tion and Year 2 – Friday 28th June

 •  French Café Wednesday 3rd July
    and spending quality time playing with your
    child are all ways you can foster their creativity
 On Tuesday, 11th June, the United Nations
 held its first-ever International Day of Play.   and imagination.

    Additionally, it is essential to spend quality time
 Play is not just a part of childhood, it’s the   playing with your child. Engage in activities that  We wish you all a good week.
                                                               Kind Regards
 heart of it. It’s where joy and fun reside, and   promote social interaction and communication,
 it’s a powerful tool for building social, emo-  such as board games, role-playing, and storytell-

 tional, physical, and cognitive skills. Through   ing. By participating in play with your child, you  Dominique Dyer.
 play, children learn to explore, solve prob-  are not only strengthening your bond but also
 lems, and unleash their creativity. The United   supporting their development and learning.
 Nations, recognising the significance of play,
 Dear Parents,   has designated the International Day of Play   Furthermore, as parents, it is essential to prior-
    to celebrate its importance and advocate for   itise playtime in your child’s daily routine. Limit

 It was lovely to have so many of you attend   every child’s right to play.  screen time and encourage outdoor play to help
 our Parent Consultation for next year’s School      your child stay active and engaged. By prior-
 Development Plan; around 75 of you attended.   On this particular day, children worldwide are   itising play, you are helping your child develop
 Your input is crucial to us. Please take a mo-  encouraged to engage in various activities that   essential skills that will benefit them throughout

 ment to complete our Parent Survey. Your   promote play, such as outdoor games, sports,   their lives.
 feedback will directly influence our planning   arts and crafts, and imaginative play. The goal   As a school, we recommend that when your
 for next year’s School Development Plan.   is to emphasise the value of play in fostering   child comes home from school, they are given
    healthy development and well-being in chil-  time to play and relax. Time needs to be set  dren. By promoting play, the United Nations   aside for homework, but we don’t recommend
    aims to address various issues affecting chil-  that they spend their evenings with lesson
 The link will be open until Thursday, 20th   dren, such as poverty, violence, and discrimi-  teachers. Try to limit screen time and encourage
 June.   nation.   your child to find other ways to play.

 Coming Soon:  As parents, you play a crucial role in support-  At Abuja Prep, we know our children are
 •  Democracy Day Wednesday 12th June –   ing and encouraging your child’s play. Creating   fortunate. They have opportunities to play
 SCHOOL CLOSED  a safe and stimulating environment, providing   throughout the day at school, both during break

 •  Father’s Day – Coffee and Football Friday   age-appropriate toys, games, and materials,   times and often, lessons are built around play
 14th June

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