Page 3 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 39
P. 3

Con     Editorial Desk
           From the

 tent                   We have finally come to the time of the year when the

                                 Year 11 cohort ‘signs off’ from the school.

                                           hen I was just a boy I used to have some thought patterns
                                           that  could  be  described  as  funny.  For  instance,  whenever  I
                               W came across a teacher that I did not know who had bushy or
                                seemingly unkempt hair, I assumed him to be a science or Mathemat-
 03                             ics teacher. Weirdly, I used to be about 70% right! Years later, I came to
 From The Editorial Desk        understand that my thought pattern was inspired by Albert Einstein’s

 04                             picture (the one in which he had a weird-looking hairstyle). However,
                                what I did not know was if perhaps there was a certain influence in sci-
 From The Principal’s Desk      ence that caused scientists’ hair to look so weird. Even though I nursed

 06                             the ambition to become a medical doctor, I was not quite sure if I would
                                have liked to immerse myself in science. What an irony!
 Science Quiz Competition

 10                             I could not help the thought when it popped up again in my head during

                                the recent Science Competition in the school as the students displayed
 DofE Assembly                  exceptional skills in their knowledge of science. I will just invite you to
 16                             read about their thoughts in the articles within. Perhaps the pictures will

 Year 11 Sign off               also inspire some reminiscences in you.

 21                             We have finally come to the time of the year when the Year 11 cohort

 ParentPreneur                  ‘signs off’ from the school. Where the sign-off was done and how it was

                                done are questions you will find answers to when you flip the pages of
 22                             this newsletter.
 Medical Corner                 Last week, the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver awards were given

 24                             to deserving students who have worked hard during the year. The high-

 Calendar                       lights of the program in the following pages will give you a clearer view

                                of the event.
 Backpage                       Need I say all? You should flip the pages of this edition of The Regent

                                Digest to get the bits, pieces and details of all that it contains. They are
                                all meant for you.

   Valentine Thomas | Editor

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