Page 15 - Lower Primary Newsletter Week 4
P. 15

Exploring place value
 Quality of Curriclum

 he curriculum and other activities are
 his week Year 1 students took
 at least good in all or nearly all re-
 their  Maths  learning  to the  next
 spects and are exemplary in significant
 Tlevel by combining numbers with
 Telements. It is broad, balanced, rele-
 technology! Through interactive games,
 vant and innovative. It is directly relevant to pu-
 digital tools, and even beginner-friendly
 pils’ needs. Pupils receive welljudged advice and
 coding activities, they explored the
 sound assistance to make important choices, to
 concept of tens and ones in a fun and
 prepare very well for the next stage in their lives.
 engaging  way.  By  visualising  numbers
 Schemes of work show plans to challenge the
 on screens, manipulating digital blocks,
 most able as well as to support those with spe-
 and solving challenges, they developed
 cial needs, and there is clear progression in the
 a deeper understanding of place value
 activities planned for year groups.
 while sharpening their problem-solving

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