Page 24 - Lower Primary Newsletter Week 4
P. 24
The Regent Alumnus
Drama productions were another highlight Years after leaving, the link I have with the
of my Regent experience. Participating in school is still very strong. Every time I visit,
pending 16 years at The Regent Primary, the school’s production in primary and I am greeted with warmth and joy, not
secondary encouraged me to venture only by my former teachers, but also by
Secondary and College in Abuja was
beyond my comfort zone and express members of staff and even students who
Snothing short of transformational. The
my creativity, especially in overcoming recognise, welcome me back and even ask
Regent Schools gave me an environment
my stage fright. During these shows, I about my ventures in the University. The
that nourished not only my academic ability
learnt how effort and preparation leads to feeling of being remembered and loved
but also my character, values, and sense
confidence, and how facing vulnerability by the community is extremely humbling,
of purpose from my first days in Early Years
onstage fosters courage and self- and it reminds me of the meaningful
until my graduation from A levels at the
awareness. One of the most appreciated connections I’ve established over the
College. Those years were more than just
aspects of my Regent experience was the years. Currently studying Marketing in
learning in the classroom; they were about
ties I formed with members of the school Aston University in Birmingham, UK, I tend
developing as a person in a community that
community. The teachers who guided to reflect on my life and often find myself
felt like home. Sports Days and my time on
me in and out of class, the cleaners who looking back at my 16 years at The Regent
football teams are still some of my favourite welcomed me with a smile and always Schools. I realise that the school provided
memories. The togetherness, dedication, and offered to help with what they could, the me with more than simply an education; it
enthusiasm that took over those moments security personnel who assured our safety, provided me with a solid foundation for my
taught me priceless lessons in collaboration, and the administrative staff who constantly future. It instilled in me humility, empathy,
perseverance, and humility. Winning 5 gave assistance, all played an important and resilience, all of which continues to
times between Primary and College was role in helping me ease my way through resonate in me. The Regent Schools will
always enjoyable, especially with the lap of the years. These events established in me always retain a special place in my heart
champions that we do after the main events. a strong sense of humility and the value because it is where I grew up, learnt, and
The process—the many hours of practice, the of treating everyone with dignity and developed into the person I am now.
encouragement from the heads of houses, kindness. Mrs. A, the Proprietress, showed
this principle via her inspiring leadership Toby Samaila Umaru.
and the support of the school community had
of fostering a compassionate culture at
a long-term effect on me. These experiences Class of 2017- The Regent Primary School
The Regent Schools. Class of 2021-The Regent Secondary School
moulded my understanding of collaboration
Class of 2023-The Regent College
and resilience, which I still carry with me.