Page 12 - Newsletter Week 9 Term 2
P. 12

From Towering Structures to
    F    r   om T               o   w      ering Str                          uct         ur       e    s to                                  From towering structures to colourful patterns,

        olourful P
   Colourful Patterns                                                                                                                                      we unleash our  imagination and
                                                                                                                                                               creativity one block at a time.

      The house assembly took place on Fri-
      day the 14th of October around 12:30pm.

      While Volta was in a classroom, wait-
      ing for her turn to go on stage, I missed
      Congo’s  presentation.  I  overheard  an
      applause and we were asked to go on

      When the assembly started the landlord
      kicked Mary out of her house. The play
      wemt on for some minutes and it was

      time for scene 5. In scene 5 I acted as

      After the play ended the crowd applaud-
      ed. This gave me joy and assurance that
      we did not perform poorly.

      Up Volta!

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