Page 24 - Pyjama Day 2024 Special Edition
P. 24

                           Beacon of Hope
                                           on of Ho

      Pyjama Day celebration is more than just a gathering of
      Py  jama Da          y c   e lebr    a tion is mor          e   than ju       s t a g     a thering of
      soft fabrics and sleepy smiles.—It is a beacon of hope in
      sof   t   f abrics       and      sleep     y    smi   les.—It      is   a   bea    c on    of    ho   pe    in

      a world sometimes dimmed by hardship and uncertainty.
      a w    orld some          times dimmed b                 y har      dship and unc              er  taint     y.
      Ther     eb  y, of     f ering sola         c e in times of need and inspir                            a tion
      Thereby, offering solace in times of need and inspiration

                                             in times of d
                                             in times of doubt.

                                    THE REGENT  SCHOOL                                                            24                                                    THE REGENT  SCHOOL                                                  25
                                                                                                                                                                      THE REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL
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