Page 13 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 38
P. 13


 he CENTURY + COBIS Science Explorers
 Challenge is an exciting opportunity                                                               TEN
 T for COBIS schools around the world to
 compete for the top positions on the leader-
 board and win prizes, while helping students
 improve  their  science  skills  and  knowledge
 with CENTURY’s AI-powered personalised
 learning platform.

 The competition saw 13,000+ students from
 91 schools take part. An impressive 1.3 mil-
 lion questions were answered throughout the
 competition! Well done to all students who
 took part

 rom May 16th to May 23rd, I par-  paid off and our school made it to
 ticipated in the COBIS Science   the top 10 out of over 70 schools.
 F Explorers Challenge, and it was
 an incredible experience. The chal-  I appreciate the wide and equal cov-
 lenge was an online science quiz that   erage of all three branches of sci-
 tested our knowledge across various   ence  - Biology,  Physics,  and  Chem-
 science topics. Each day, we faced   istry - and the wealth of resources
 new questions and challenges, mak-  made accessible to us. The knowl-
 ing it both exciting and nerve-racking.   edge gathered from this experience
    has empowered me to approach
 One of the best parts was compet-  science as a subject with renewed

 ing against different COBIS mem-  confidence,  curiosity,  and  a  deeper
 ber schools around the world. It   appreciation. Above all, I  would  like
 was inspiring to see many science   to thank my teachers who kept me
 enthusiasts (like me) around the   going  despite  all the pressure from
 world fascinated by this competi-  the challenges. Well done, Team Re-
 tion,  and  it  was  even  more  inspir-  gent!!!
 ing to know that all our hard work   Theodorah Umaru
 Year 8 Benue

 THE REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL  12 12         THE REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL                                           13
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