Page 35 - Newsletter week 5B
P. 35


 We are writing to inform you about a mini
 funfair that will take place on the 7th of June,
 2024, as part of our mission. We would greatly
 appreciate your support in any way possible.

 There are various ways in which parents and
 students can contribute, such as cash donations,
 provisions, toiletries, clothing, shoes, toys, books,
 stationery, and raffle draw gifts/prizes/vouchers

 for the fundraising. We will gratefully accept any
 Zameena Shehu  donation you are willing to offer.

 Head Girl  Our goal is to raise approximately N10, 000,000

 (Ten million Naira), which will greatly contribute
 Dear Parents,
 At the Regent Primary School,   to our community service efforts.
 we are dedicated to instilling the   Yoursupport will make a significant difference
 values of charity and community   in the lives of these children and help us achieve

 service in our students. As part   our mission. Thank you for your consideration
 of this commitment, we select a   and generosity.
 specific charity each year to give   Sincerely,
 back to our community. This year,    

 the graduating class has chosen to   Zameena Shehu
 support the LEA Primary School   Head Girl
 Dawaki and LEA Primary School
 Gwarimpa by donating the  Our goal is to raise

 proceeds from their leave charity.

 The funds raised will be used to   N10, 000,000 (Ten million
 provide school uniforms, school   Naira), which will greatly

 bags,writing materials, provisions,   contribute to our community
 food items, and scholarships to   service efforts.
 the children of these schools. By
 doing so, we hope to make a

 positive impact on their
 education and well-being.

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