Page 4 - NEWSLETTER WEEK 2 Term 2 2025
P. 4

From The Headmaster’s Desk                                                                                                 From The Headmaster’s Desk

                                                                                                                                 Community engagement is not just about
                                                             This  week  we  have  seen  three  events  in
                                                                                                                                 participation, it is about creating a shared
                                                             which  we  have  welcomed  members  of  the
                                                                                                                                 vision for our children’s future. I encourage
                                                             community into our school and I would like to
                                                                                                                                 you to share your ideas, talents, and
                                                             offer my thanks to everyone who participated
                                                                                                                                 feedback as we continue to build a school
                                                             in these:
                                                                                                                                 environment where every child can thrive.

                                                             •  The  Regent  Secondary  School  Visit/Open
                                                                                                                                 Together, we can provide our students
                                                                Day: Over the course of two days, parents
                                                                                                                                 with the tools, experiences, and values
                                                                in Year 5 and Year 6 were invited not only
                                                                                                                                 they need in order to grow into confident,
                                                                into our school, but also into our secondary
                   Shaun Stockden                                                                                                compassionate citizens who contribute
                        Headmaster                              school - a real collaboration across two                         positively to society.
                                                                school  cimmunitiess  coming  together  to

                                                                provide a smooth transition for our children.
      Dear Parents and Guardians,                                                                                                Thank you for your unwavering support
                                                                                                                                 and for being an integral part of our
                                                             •  Armed Forces Remembrance Assembly:
      As we embark on another term of learning,                                                                                  community. I look forward to welcoming
                                                                On Wednesday we were delighted to                                you in for a wide variety of events including
      growth, and discovery, I am reminded of
                                                                welcome members of the Nigerian Legion                           assemblies, the spring production, sports
      the power of connection. Our school is
                                                                into school to help us observe this event. It
      more than a place where children come to
                                                                added a level of significance to our children,
      learn; it is a vibrant, dynamic community
                                                                who  were  also  able  to showcase  their
      where every member plays an essential
                                                                exceptional speaking and perfomance
      role in shaping the lives of our young
                                                                skills to members of the Abuja community,
                                                                whom otherwise may not have had the
                                                                opportunity to engage with them.
      Community engagement lies at the
      heart of our ethos. When schools and
                                                             •  Drivers Workshop:  This week also saw a
      communities work together, the results
                                                                new addtion to our community calendar.
      are transformative. Research consistently                                                                                                                                          day and, of course, our open classes. Through
                                                                For a number of years, we have run
      shows that students achieve more                                                                                                                                                   continued cooperation, there is no limit to
                                                                workshops for the nannies who work with
      when their families, teachers, and local                                                                                                                                           what we can achieve together this term.
                                                                your children and now for the first time we
      community  are  united  in  their  support.
                                                                have been working with your drivers to help
      Beyond      academic         success,      strong                                                                                                                                  Warm regards,
                                                                raise awareness of the risks children face
      community ties foster a sense of belonging,                                                                                                                                        Shaun Stockden - Headmaster
                                                                and how to overcome them.
      resilience, and empathy in our children—
      qualities  that  will  serve  them  throughout
      their lives.

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