Page 18 - The Quest
P. 18

Scene 1 - Year 1R

           The Quest for the Golden                                                                                            The Berom Prophecy

                             Heart of Nigeria                                                                                     The prophecy by the BEROM people encour-

                                                                                                                                  ages an act of bravery from the travellers on

                                                                                                                                  this  quest,  who  are  determined  to  unite  with
                                                                                                                                  other tribes as they journey.

                 This is a dance drama play script outline, that is based on a story entitled
                 “African Nights Entertainment” by Cyprian Ekwensi. It was rewritten with
                 a continuous storyline for a role-play involving 18 Nigerian tribes.

                                             THE REGENT SCHOOL                                                    18 18                                                     THE REGENT SCHOOL                                               19
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