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World Book Day (6th March)
A love for reading is at the heart of every education, and World Book Day is an
A Message from annual celebration we cherish. This year, we’ll have book-themed activities, costume
parades, and opportunities for children to dive deeper into the magical world of
MRS. DYER books.
HEAD OF SCHOOL Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) – Rest of the World Rocks Competition –
Date TBC
Let’s get rocking! All children in Years 3 to 6 will participate in the Rest of the
World Rocks competition through Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS). We are proud
to share that we have achieved first place in this global competition for two consec-
ear Parents utive years, and we are determined to defend our title! It’s a fantastic opportunity
for the children to sharpen their timetable skills while enjoying some friendly rivalry.
DHappy New Year! As we enter 2025, we feel excited and hopeful for a term Let’s make it a hat-trick!
filled with learning, creativity, and unforgettable experiences. A special welcome to all
the new families joining our school community this term—we are delighted to have Key Stage 2 Production (9th / 10th April) – The Sound of Music
you with us and look forward to getting to know you! To end the term on a high note, our Key Stage 2 students will take to the stage for
Here’s a glimpse of just some of the fantastic events we have planned to ensure this a spectacular performance titled The Sound of Music. This beloved musical will
term is as enriching and enjoyable as possible for your children: undoubtedly be a treat for all, and we look forward to seeing the culmination of the
student’s hard work and dedication.
Early Years Teddy Bears’ Picnic (24th January)
Our youngest learners in Early Years are in for a treat with a delightful Teddy Bear Good attendance is vital to your child’s academic and social success. It ensures they
Picnic! This charming event will allow children to bring their favourite teddy bear, en- don’t miss valuable learning opportunities, activities, and the chance to build strong
joy some fun outdoor activities, and share a special picnic with their friends and teach- friendships with their peers. Research indicates that children who consistently at-
ers. It’s sure to be a day filled with laughter, joy, and plenty of teddy bear hugs! tend school are more likely to reach their full potential and foster a positive attitude
towards learning.
Key Stage 1 Production (6th February) – The Lion King
The magic of the Savannah is coming to life in our Key Stage 1 production of The
Lion King. The children are already rehearsing, and their enthusiasm is infectious! The
show promises to be a spectacular showcase of talent, creativity, and teamwork. De-
tails about performance dates and ticket information will follow soon.
Love and Care Day (14th February): An opportunity to show our love and give
back to our community. More details to follow.
Primary (15th February) and Early Years (7th February) Sports Days
Get ready to cheer on your little athletes! Our Primary and Early Years Sports Days
will celebrate teamwork, resilience, and fun. We can’t wait to see the children showcase
their skills and determination on the field.